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  3. Videodrome
  4. “Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!
“Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!

©1982 Guardian Trust Company.All Rights Reserved.

“Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!


A 4K version with less violence to settle long-standing grudges.

If Videodrome were to remain true to Cronenberg's vision, it would be an adult-rated film. If the film is to be released in the United States, it would be better to have an R rating so that it can attract horror-loving high-teens, rather than an adult-only release. Cronenberg himself was well aware of this, and even participated in discussions with censors during the editing process. However, Universal went over their heads and released the movie by cutting out the scenes that were deemed to be cruel. Cronenberg was also furious about this.

It has not been revealed which scenes were cut that caused Cronenberg's anger. However, if you compare it with the 4K director's cut version that will be released this year, it becomes clear. For example, when Max's hand and gun merge, there's a tremendous amount of blood that spills out. The love scene between Max and Nicky changes from Max's room to the torture room inside the Videodrome. Although it doesn't have a major impact on the story of the original version, it definitely confirms Cronenberg's commitment to visuals.

“Videodrome” ©1982 Guradian Trust Company.All Rights Reserved.

In 1983, ``Videodrome'' was released in the United States, but it did not do well at the box office, earning just over $2 million at the U.S. box office despite a production cost of just under $6 million. However, with the spread of home video, the film gained cult popularity, and even in Japan, where it was finally released on video two years later, it became popular and was even released in theaters. Of course, the reaction was mixed, with some saying it was difficult to understand or in bad taste. However, what does it really look like from the perspective of the 21st century, where visual culture has become more diverse with the development of the Internet? First of all, I want you to witness "reality" with your own eyes.

Interview and text: Manabu Soma 

After working as an information magazine editor, became a freelance writer. He writes articles and reviews for magazines such as ``SCREEN,'' ``DVD & Video Distribution,'' and ``Cinema Square,'' as well as theater pamphlets and the movie site ``Cinema Today.'' Currently appearing on Star Channel "GO! Theater". I host club events as a hobby.

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"Theater Classics ACT.3 Videodrome 4K Director's Cut Version"

Nationwide roadshow starting June 16th (Friday)

Distribution: Tokyo Theater

©1982 Guardian Trust Company.All Rights Reserved.


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  4. “Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!