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  3. Unstoppable
  4. ``Unstoppable'' Tony Scott's final masterpiece. A sense of dynamism and reality in a simple structure
``Unstoppable'' Tony Scott's final masterpiece. A sense of dynamism and reality in a simple structure

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

``Unstoppable'' Tony Scott's final masterpiece. A sense of dynamism and reality in a simple structure


A film life that continues to weave “sprinting” and “dynamism”

Having read his final work, "Unstoppable," I return to "The Boy and the Bicycle" and realize two things.

First of all, Tony Scott has always been associated with "speed" since his first appearance on the screen. Bicycles, fighter planes, Formula cars, submarines, trains... Isn't it rare for someone to continue to spin stories and films using such a wide range of means of transportation in his later life?

Furthermore, although there are no trains in "Boy and Bicycle," the endless stretches of "railroad tracks" that carried people from town to town and were likely a lifeline of transportation for industrial areas are recorded. When the boy and the railroad tracks are shown at the same time, it even feels like countless possibilities stretching out into the future.

"Unstoppable" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

For a city where trains are an integral part of life, this may be a very common sight. But even so, the fact that Tony Scott, in his final years, made his last two films about trains, " Subway 123 " (2009) and "Unstoppable," makes me feel excited.

As a fan, I can't help but feel a strange sensation, as if the life of one man was revolving around this long, long railroad track.

Reference materials:

"Unstoppable" Blu-ray audio commentary

The short film "The Boy and the Bicycle" included on the DVD of "The Duelist"

"The World of Ridley Scott" by Paul M. Sammon, translated by Koji Onoue, published by Fusosha Publishing


Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. Unstoppable
  4. ``Unstoppable'' Tony Scott's final masterpiece. A sense of dynamism and reality in a simple structure