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  3. Ten Dark Women
  4. What is the Shibuya movie that revived “Ten Dark Women”?
What is the Shibuya movie that revived “Ten Dark Women”?


What is the Shibuya movie that revived “Ten Dark Women”?


“Ten Dark Women” synopsis

TV producer Kaze Matsukichi (Eiji Funakoshi) has nine mistresses in addition to his beautiful wife Futaba (Fujiko Yamamoto). The wives, mistresses, and ten other women all knew about each other's existence, but for some reason they were unable to leave Matsuyoshi. One day, a plan is hatched between one of his mistresses, actress Ichiko (Keiko Kishi), and his wife Matsuba to kill Matsuyoshi. It was a fictitious suicide to relieve his pent-up anger, but when Matsuyoshi hears about it from his mistress Miwako (Mariko Miyagi), he is not at ease. When he is worried and consults his wife Matsuba, she easily approves of the plan. So the two gather their lovers together and plan a Kyogen murder in which they make it appear that Futaba shot Matsuyoshi to death with a pistol in front of them. .


    The forgotten “Ten Dark Women”

    The Daiei era (1956-1964) is known as Kon Ichikawa's heyday. From literary works that would be difficult to make into films, such as `` Flame ,'' `` The Key ,'' `` Wildfire ,'' ``Otou,'' ``Watashi wa Nisai,'' and `` Yukinojo Henshin,'' to child-rearing books and modern historical dramas, there is nothing that would not be made into a movie. Kon Ichikawa has worked with his wife and screenwriter, Natsuju Wada, to transform all of his original works into films that are unique to Kon Ichikawa. Most of the works from this period were quickly made available on video, but ``Ten Dark Women'' remained unwatchable for a long time.

    However, nowadays, speaking of ``Ten Dark Women'', Kon Ichikawa self-remade it as a TV drama (2002), then it was made into a stage play by Nylon 100℃ (2011), and then it was made into a serial TV drama (2016). Although it has the image of being a classic masterpiece that was released until 2010, it has only become recognized as a masterpiece in the last 20 years. It remained a hidden work only known to those in the know until its revival in 1997.

    However, it was ranked 10th in Kinema Junpo's Best Ten in 1961, so it wasn't a cult movie from the beginning. However, as was the custom of the Top Ten at the time, once a director became one of the top ten regular directors, even if he had made a strange movie, he would still be ranked based on the director's name value. This may be the reason why ``Ten Dark Women'' was not shown at the famous movie theaters for a long time, nor was it made into a movie and was forgotten.


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    4. What is the Shibuya movie that revived “Ten Dark Women”?