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  3. Wonder Woman
  4. Why did they change the era setting for Wonder Woman? Two aims behind this bold decision
Why did they change the era setting for Wonder Woman? Two aims behind this bold decision


Why did they change the era setting for Wonder Woman? Two aims behind this bold decision


“Wonder Woman” synopsis

Princess Diana was born and raised on an island of the Amazon tribe where only women live. In order to become the strongest warrior, he devoted himself to harsh training every day. One day, a plane piloted by American pilot Steve Trevor makes an emergency landing on the island, which is isolated from the outside world. Diana is curious about seeing the man for the first time, but she learns from Steve that a major war has broken out in the outside world, and that the German military is in danger of destruction due to the weapons they are developing. In order to thwart the German army's terrifying ambitions, Diana leaves the island with Steve and travels to England.


    Patty Jenkins, a female director who achieved great success in the film industry

    As soon as it was released in the United States, ``Wonder Woman'' received a storm of high praise and created a huge boom that attracted many viewers. Although this work is an exhilarating blow-by-blow in which a groundbreaking female hero drives out evil, it can also be said to be a history of many people's trials and errors and repeated battles in its story and production background.

    It's surprising that the project for this movie version was first launched in 1996. Initially, names such as Ivan Reitman, Josh Whedon, and Michelle McLaren were mentioned as directors, and in later years Kathryn Bigelow, Katherine Hardwick, Karyn Kusama, Julie Taymor, and Angelina Jolie were also mentioned. He was nominated as a candidate and was considered. Looking at the names listed here, it is clear that the studio had a strong desire to ``make a female hero movie by a female director!'' Indeed, there have been female hero movies such as `` Supergirl '' (1984), ` `Catwoman '' (2004), and `` Elektra '' (2005), but all of them were made by male directors and all received low reviews. It has come to an end. There was probably a strong desire to wipe away this past and bring about a new trend in the hero world.

    Among them, Patty Jenkins will ultimately play this major role. She grew up captivated by Superman and Wonder Woman since she was a child, and was approached for the role of Wonder Woman right after she received high praise for the shocking film Monster (2004) starring Charlize Theron. However, it seems that there was a reason why she declined this opportunity to give birth. Later, after raising her children, she was given another Being There, and as a result, both Warner and Jenkins realized their long-held dream together.

    Although Hollywood is known for its liberal views, the proportion of female movie directors is still small, and it is often said that guarantees for actresses are lower than for male actors. As we strive for a world where men and women are equal, it is no exaggeration to say that the rise of Patty Jenkins' talent and the success she has achieved can be seen as the Wonder Woman of the film industry. As a result, Jenkins became the highest-grossing female director of a live-action film in history with this film, and her worldwide box office revenue now stands at over $800 million. Quite literally, it became a presence that opened up history.


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    2. movie
    3. Wonder Woman
    4. Why did they change the era setting for Wonder Woman? Two aims behind this bold decision