2. movie
  3. Wonder Woman
  4. “Wonder Woman” is an amazing hit all over the world! Respect and homage to Superman, the origin of hero movies
“Wonder Woman” is an amazing hit all over the world! Respect and homage to Superman, the origin of hero movies


“Wonder Woman” is an amazing hit all over the world! Respect and homage to Superman, the origin of hero movies


“Wonder Woman” synopsis

Princess Diana was born and raised on an island of the Amazon tribe where only women live. In order to become the strongest warrior, he devoted himself to harsh training every day. One day, a plane piloted by American pilot Steve Trevor makes an emergency landing on the island, which is isolated from the outside world. Diana is curious about seeing the man for the first time, but she learns from Steve that a major war has broken out in the outside world, and that the German military is in danger of destruction due to the weapons they are developing. In order to thwart the German army's terrifying ambitions, Diana leaves the island with Steve and travels to England.


    A female hero who has been fighting for justice for 100 years.

    I was completely blown away by her overwhelming strength and dashing presence. At a time when both DC and Marvel are mass producing hero movies at an unprecedented pace, and the number is already reaching saturation point, who could have imagined that such a brilliant new hero would land right in front of our eyes?

    She, Wonder Woman, has a long history from her birth to today. It first appeared in comics in 1941. Superman has been around for 38 years, and Batman has been around for 39 years, so Wonder Woman is also quite an old-timer in the DC Comics camp. Furthermore, according to the setting, she is a noble being who has been watching over the peace of people for over 100 years and bringing down the hammer of justice against evildoers. In other words, from a career standpoint, he is one or two times his senior compared to Superman and Batman.

    In this work, such a hero finally becomes the solo lead, and the story begins with a scene in which she suddenly reminisces about an event that happened 100 years ago while looking at a "single photograph." Pictured side by side in the frame are Wonder Woman and a group of unique soldiers who worked hard to stop the German military's secret operations during World War I. They were all precious friends who gave their lives alongside her. This introductory part is a very impressive depiction of her expressions as she gazes at each of them with fondness and fondness. Filled with a nostalgic storytelling style that you wouldn't expect from a heroic movie, the screen suddenly moves to the past. We are transported to the secret island where this superhuman hero was born and raised, and are immersed in the story of "Episode 1" about her.


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    2. movie
    3. Wonder Woman
    4. “Wonder Woman” is an amazing hit all over the world! Respect and homage to Superman, the origin of hero movies