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  4. “Before Sunrise” What is the philosophy of time and space created by Richard Linklater?
“Before Sunrise” What is the philosophy of time and space created by Richard Linklater?

(c)2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

“Before Sunrise” What is the philosophy of time and space created by Richard Linklater?


A philosophy that resists the fear of time

I would like to explain it in a little more detail. Atheists fear death because nothingness awaits them. And time, like a train, rushes towards it, and people have to ride it and keep going even if they don't like it. Therefore, it is difficult for me to feel that I am alive right now. However, along the way, Celine was able to have a beautiful time that may only be once in her life.

Time can be thought of as a continuous flow from the time a train starts until it reaches its destination, but it can also be interpreted as a continuous flow of time, from when a train starts to when it reaches its destination, but it is also possible to cut out parts of the time and give it a meaning. Just like this work has been established as a movie work. If this work depicts what happens to these two people in the future, as in `` Encounter '', then their time in Vienna will become nothing more than a service towards the end, and in the end it will become a major time in their lives. I get sucked into it.

If we can separate time and think of it as independent, we can give each piece of time its own meaning. In that time, even atheists can find meaning in life. It is, so to speak, a philosophy that frees us from the fear of time. I am living here now. And someday, in another time and place, you will be able to experience the feeling of being alive. Celine smiles and closes her eyes in relief as the train continues to move, symbolizing the passing of time.

“Before Sunrise” (c)2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

If you think that this kind of consideration is too much, please also watch `` Waking Life .'' You can understand that director Linklater is extremely conscious and aware of the issue of time and the expression of a film that can cut through time. At this point, it can be said that the movie itself has been elevated to a philosophy. Movies have the potential to reach that point.

Text: Kei Onodera

A film critic who wanders around and writes for web media and magazines, aiming to become a movie hermit. We will convey the "deep" content of the movie in an easy-to-understand manner from various angles.

Twitter: @kmovie

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“Before Sunrise ”

[Initial specification] Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight Blu-ray Trilogy BOX (3-disc set) ¥3,990 yen + tax

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(c)2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.


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  4. “Before Sunrise” What is the philosophy of time and space created by Richard Linklater?