2. movie
  3. Signs
  4. What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.
What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.


3 classic movies that influenced the way they were shot and the concept

This work tells the story of a family who cultivates corn on a vast land. It seems that Shyamalan's first idea was to ``depict a major event called an alien invasion in the context of a single family,'' and if that's the case, then it would be similar to the family in H.G. Wells' `` The War of the Worlds. '' I wanted to do a version.

He said he heavily referenced three classic movies when developing this theme. One is Hitchcock's `` The Birds '' (63). The second movie is `` Night of the Living Dead '' (68), directed by George A. Romero. The third film is `` Body Snatchers '' (56), directed by Don Siegel. All of them are masterpieces that have overturned the conventional wisdom of suspense and horror.

In particular, ``The Birds'' can be said to be the work that formed the basis of this work. Shyamalan reportedly advised the cast to watch the film over and over again, so it's not hard to imagine that the film was a great help for the actors in developing their images.

“Signs” (c) Photofest / Getty Images

Also, Hitchcock's method of stirring up the audience's anxiety without showing the full extent of the horror is a typical Hitchcock technique. In many scenes of ``Signs,'' only ``shadows'' or ``parts of the body'' are shown. However, this actually shifts our imagination into a hypersensitive state, and fear grows in our heads on its own. Hitchcock was a master at harnessing the audience's imagination more than anyone else, and it's clear that Shyamalan followed suit and tried to firmly control the audience's hearts.


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  2. movie
  3. Signs
  4. What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.