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  3. Signs
  4. What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.
What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.


As a work taken immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

There is one more thing we should keep in mind here. It is about the filming period of this film. This film required a lot of time and effort, such as cultivating a corn field from scratch and creating realistic, non-CG crop circles there. The preparation period was also quite long. And just as filming was about to begin, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks occurred in the United States.

Filming for the movie actually started two days later, and the first scene they prepared was the most emotional one, the scene where he loses his wife.

It seems that Shyamalan wanted to close the gap with Mel Gibson, who he was working with for the first time, by confronting him with this difficult scene first. However, who would have imagined that this would be the first scene they would shoot after the terrorist attacks? On that day, the staff and cast all gathered together before filming and held up candles. Everyone was in shock and confusion. At the same time, they must have been keenly aware of the coincidence of what they had experienced as Americans and the fact that they were now shooting a scene of one man's despair.

I don't think that the terrorist attacks in the US had any direct impact on the story of this film. However, I suspect that the spiritual aspect of the film was naturally imprinted with the enormous shock caused by the incident, the mourning for the dead, and the staff and cast's own thoughts that "we must overcome this despair." Now that 17 years have passed since its release, looking at "Signs" again in that context, the story of "the protagonist overcoming despair" depicted along with the alien attack seems to be conveyed with even clearer nuances.

“Signs” (c) Photofest / Getty Images

The home in which this family lives has an exterior that is reminiscent of the American flag, with its red, blue, and white, and the builders said they wanted it to symbolize the country of America from the start.

Furthermore, near the climax, the protagonist says to his son who is suffering from a seizure: "Being scared will only make your suffering worse. Don't be scared. Have faith that you will recover soon." It is clear that these words are not only to encourage his son, but also to himself as he tries to overcome his despair. And these may have been the words that all of the staff and cast involved in this film needed most at that time.

For these reasons, I just can't classify "Signs" as a mere B-movie. On the surface, it is entertainment that combines thrills, excitement, high-quality drama, and subtle laughs, but deep inside there is an indescribable feeling. At least for the creators, including Shyamalan, it must have been a work that left something unforgettable for the rest of their lives.


Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. Signs
  4. What is another aspect of the “Signs” that can be seen from the time of shooting? *Note! Contains spoilers.