2. movie
  3. From Dusk Till Dawn
  4. ``From Dusk Till Dawn'' Exciting action, a fighting heroine, and the use of new technology. The origin of R. Rodriguez's evolution *Note! Contains spoilers.
``From Dusk Till Dawn'' Exciting action, a fighting heroine, and the use of new technology. The origin of R. Rodriguez's evolution *Note! Contains spoilers.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

``From Dusk Till Dawn'' Exciting action, a fighting heroine, and the use of new technology. The origin of R. Rodriguez's evolution *Note! Contains spoilers.


Exciting action, a fighting heroine, and active use of new technology

Rodriguez, who is Mexican-American, specializes in action productions with a lot of foreignness that makes you feel his Latin heritage. He made his talent known to the world with his directorial debut `` El Mariachi '' (1992) and its sequel `` Desperado ,'' and with ``From Dusk Till Dawn,'' he proved that his directorial style can work even in a fictional worldview. Showed.

The scene in which Kate, the pastor's daughter played by Juliette Lewis, takes up a weapon and fights a vampire is also very moving, as it is the first time a ``fighting heroine'' appears in Rodriguez's filmography. Even though the script was written by Tarantino, Rodriguez was impressed by the idea of ​​a female character who fights against enemies and carves out her own destiny (rather than being protected by a man). In ``Planet Terror in Grindhouse '' (2007), she has portrayed a fighting heroine in an attractive manner.

"From Dusk Till Dawn" (c) Photofest / Getty Images

And thanks to a generous $20 million budget, From Dusk Till Dawn was Rodriguez's first film to fully utilize special makeup, animatronics, and computer graphics. The active use of new technologies such as CG has become a major characteristic of Rodriguez since this work, and in extreme cases there are works in which the entire background of most scenes is drawn with CG (" Spy Kids 3-D: The Game `` Over '' (03), 2 works in the `` Sin City '' series (05/14), `` Shark Boy & Magma Girl 3-D '' (05)).

Judging by its features such as excellent action direction, a fighting heroine, and active use of new technology, the latest film `` Alita: Battle Angel '' (released in Japan on February 22nd) can be positioned as the culmination of Rodriguez's films. Additionally, these three elements are similar to the style of James Cameron, who was originally supposed to direct Alita. Cameron, who was prioritizing the production of the two Avatar sequels, chose Rodriguez as his successor as director because of this similar style.

“Alita: Battle Angel” trailer

By the way, the 3D shooting technology ``Reality Camera System'' (later renamed Fusion Camera System) that Cameron developed for the documentary film ` `James Cameron's Titanic Secrets '' (2003) was used by Rodriguez in `` Spy' '. It is used in `` Kids 3-D '' and `` Shark Boy & Magma Girl 3-D ''. There is no doubt that the performance of these two films was a factor in Cameron's decision to choose Rodriguez.


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  2. movie
  3. From Dusk Till Dawn
  4. ``From Dusk Till Dawn'' Exciting action, a fighting heroine, and the use of new technology. The origin of R. Rodriguez's evolution *Note! Contains spoilers.