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  3. The Godfather Part II
  4. "The Godfather Part II" Francis Ford Coppola, who overlaps with Michael Corleone who gained enormous power
"The Godfather Part II" Francis Ford Coppola, who overlaps with Michael Corleone who gained enormous power

Copyright (C) 1974 by Paramount Pictures and The Coppola Company. All Rights Reserved. Restoration Copyright (C) 2007 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2014 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved .

"The Godfather Part II" Francis Ford Coppola, who overlaps with Michael Corleone who gained enormous power


By repeating the motifs of the previous work, it depicts transformation and collapse.

I have already mentioned that this work has a structure that moves back and forth between two time axes: past and present. Coppola's aim is to juxtapose stories from different eras, with young Vito representing the rise and reflection of the Corleone family, and present-day Michael representing the chaos and fall, to great effect.

At the beginning, Vito's childhood is depicted, but Michael's part begins with a big party. This echoes the fact that The The Godfather opens with Michael's sister Connie's wedding party. What is common is that a conspiracy progresses behind the scenes at the party, eventually leading to violence and murder, but the difference is that Connie's wedding party was the culmination of her father Vito's glory, while Michael's party (actually son Anthony's communion party) is full of foreshadowing of the family's transformation and separation.

The Corleone family is tied together by patriarchal ties originating from Sicily, both as a family and as a mafia organization, but the senator who greeted him as the guest of honor named his son Anthony "Anthony Vaito Corleone." pronounce. The middle name "Vaito" is the English pronunciation of "Vito", but everyone related to the family should know that they call him "Vito" after the previous Don, but is the congressman consciously calling him "Vito"? Perhaps unconsciously, he despises Michael and the mafia.

“The Godfather Part II” Copyright (C) 1974 by Paramount Pictures and The Coppola Company. All Rights Reserved. Restoration Copyright (C) 2007 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2014 by Paramount Pictures . All Rights Reserved.

The family's business continues to expand, but at the same time, they are looked down upon by political figures and the family's tradition of honor is being trampled upon. When Frank, who has been the face of the mafia since his father's generation, tries to get the party band to play tarantella (an Italian folk song), the band, who don't know Italian songs, fools them with nursery rhymes by Mother Goose. It looks like it's copying the party scene from ``The Godfather,'' but it's clearly the exact opposite of what it's depicting.

``PART II'' traces scenes from the previous work here and there, but by shifting the meaning of the scenes in a negative direction, it reveals the transformation of Michael and his family. This concept by Coppola is a major factor in the fact that although the two works are like twins in terms of expression, they have completely different impressions. At that time, it was not customary to label sequels with titles such as ``PART II'' or ``2'', and the studio apparently objected to it because it looked like a rehash of sequels, but what Coppola pushed through with ``The Godfather Part II'' was the structure of the sequel being a companion to the previous film. It makes sense considering that was the premise.


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  2. movie
  3. The Godfather Part II
  4. "The Godfather Part II" Francis Ford Coppola, who overlaps with Michael Corleone who gained enormous power