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  3. Bonnie and Clyde
  4. "Bonnie and Clyde" An innovative American new cinema that shocked the 1960s
"Bonnie and Clyde" An innovative American new cinema that shocked the 1960s

(c)2008 Warner Bors. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. "Academy Award(R)" is the registered trademark and servicemark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

"Bonnie and Clyde" An innovative American new cinema that shocked the 1960s


*This article refers to the last scene, so we recommend reading it after watching the movie.

“Bonnie and Clyde” synopsis

The 1930s during the Great Depression. Pony and Clyde go on a rampage, robbing banks at will, mainly in Dallas, Texas. The two try to live their lives as Jack Reacher rather than harming others, but eventually they are labeled as thugs.


Why it was shocking in the 60s

It began when David Newman and Robert Benton, who would go on to become screenwriters and directors, were editors at Esquire magazine. The two were deeply inspired by a book about real-life gangsters Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, who committed bank robberies and murders in the American Midwest in the early 1930s, and wrote the screenplay based on that book. It was the early 1960s. The completed script was sent to director Arthur Penn, but he was already filming ``The Fugitive Zone'' (66), so he gave up on it. However, the megaphone returns to his hands once again. This is because a new request has been received from Warren Beatty, who will be leading the production and starring role.

This is the prologue to the production of ``Bonnie and Clyde'' (67), which rewrote American film history. The life story of Bonnie and Clyde, who repeatedly committed crimes and tried to make their love true even though they ended up in a bloody mess. The film was groundbreaking in that it cast Jack Reacher, who up until then had been portrayed as mere villains, as the main characters, and injected a sliver of humanity into them.

"Bonnie and Clyde" (c)2008 Warner Bors. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. "Academy Award(R)" is the registered trademark and servicemark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

This film also marks the first time that a person shot with a handgun, bleeding and dying, was filmed without any cuts. This is the scene in the middle of the movie where Clyde shoots and kills a bank clerk who is clinging to his car door. Furthermore, the production suggesting oral sex and impotence would have been quite shocking in the 1960s. In this way, his works that challenged all kinds of taboos and brought innovation to film techniques became the forerunners of the ``American New Cinema'' or ``New Hollywood Era,'' and will be talked about for a long time.


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  3. Bonnie and Clyde
  4. "Bonnie and Clyde" An innovative American new cinema that shocked the 1960s