2. movie
  3. Stand by Me
  4. I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self
I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self


Corpse and 8 boys

A few years after seeing ``Stand by Me,'' I was surprised to see John Singleton's ` `Boyz 'n the Hood .'' There is also a scene in which four boys in Los Angeles walk along the railroad tracks to see a dead body, with the same line, ``Don't you want to see a dead body?'' It's exactly the same as ``Stand by Me,'' but the situation is completely different. The four boys in "Boyz 'n the Hood" are used to seeing dead bodies with guns, and they say things like "It stinks" in a severe and harsh way, much like in "Stand by Me." They don't get emotional like boys. I couldn't help but laugh at the differences in the reactions of the four characters in "Boyz 'n the Hood," but the differences were well depicted and I understood that that's what it was all about.

In ``Stand by Me'', when the main character Gordon finds a corpse, he becomes emotional when he sees the corpse of someone around the same age, and he expresses the pain of being rejected by his father, and cries on Chris' shoulder. ing. Director Rob Reiner revealed that he wrote the scene in a hotel the day before filming. Director Rob Reiner is also a second-generation director, and his father is Carl Reiner, who is known as a director and actor. It's interesting that Rob Reiner wrote that scene, although they have a good relationship, rather than the friction between father and son depicted in this movie.

"Stand by Me" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

Speaking of the second generation, famous actors Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas' son Kiefer Sutherland also appear in this movie. He has now become a worldwide star as Jack Bauer in ` `24 -TWENTY FOUR- '' (2001-10), and in this movie he plays the role of Ace, the town's biggest delinquent who threatens the four main characters. Jerry O'Connell, who plays Byrne, was reportedly intimidated by Kiefer Sutherland throughout the filming of the film. Regarding the casting of the four main characters, the director said, ``I didn't ask for acting ability from the children who played the 12-year-olds.That's why I chose actors who were as close to their roles as possible and let them act naturally.''


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  2. movie
  3. Stand by Me
  4. I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self