2. movie
  3. Stand by Me
  4. I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self
I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self


I feel nostalgic for some reason

One of the reasons I remember this movie is because it's the movie that made me love movies. By the time I finished watching this movie, I was hooked on Chris (River Phoenix) and the movie itself. If I had not encountered this movie at that time, I would not have been able to write this manuscript now. I'm sitting at my computer right now, immersed in memories, just like the ending of the film's adult Gordy (Richard Dreyfuss), who also narrates the film.

``Stand by Me'' is a treasured movie that drastically changed my life. I can't help but feel like everyone is reminded of such personal memories when talking about this movie. I still have a copy of Stand by Me Memorial (Soujusha: 1988), which was once published, and famous movie critics such as Nagaharu Yodogawa talked about their memories while reviewing movies. ing. This is due to the nostalgic atmosphere of this movie.

"Stand by Me" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

It is undeniable that the atmosphere is created by the pop music, classic cars, and fashion of the late 1950s, when the story is set, but that is not the only reason. The main character is also 12 years old. The scene where the four of them are having fun talking about balls and erotic books while Gordie cries on Chris' shoulder is something a 12-year-old could have imagined. At the age of Ace, played by Kiefer Sutherland, it would be difficult for the audience to empathize with him, and such a scene would be impossible. This magic happened because the main character was set to be 12 years old.

And each of these four people has a complex. Gordie lacks love from his parents due to the disparity between his siblings, Chris is prejudiced due to his origins, Teddy has a father with PTSD from the war, and Vern is bullied for his slow thinking. In the movie, the sad ending for these four people feels realistic, but they were still made to grow through this adventure. The reason why they grew up after just one night's adventure was probably because they were 12 years old. Just as I was thinking that way, at the end of the movie, a message appears on the screen that says, ``I'll never have the friends I had when I was 12 years old...I'll never have them again...'' The audience will notice, I'm sure that's the case.


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  2. movie
  3. Stand by Me
  4. I'll never forget it. The magic of ``Stand by Me'' that brings you back to your 12-year-old self