2. movie
  3. Bagdad Cafe
  4. "Bagdad Cafe" A story of the "heart" shown by a "coffee machine that needs repair"
"Bagdad Cafe" A story of the "heart" shown by a "coffee machine that needs repair"

(C)1987 / Pelemele Film GmbH - Pro-ject Filmproduktion im Filmverlag der Autoren GmbH & Co. Produktions-Kommanditgesellschaft München - Bayrischer Rundfunk/BR - hr Hessischer Rundfunk.

"Bagdad Cafe" A story of the "heart" shown by a "coffee machine that needs repair"


"Bagdad Cafe" synopsis

Yasmin, a German traveler who suddenly breaks up with her husband in the American desert. In the desert, Brenda, the boss of a cafe and motel, is having trouble at home and work and is under stress every day. The two, who should never be able to get along, eventually become connected by an irreplaceable friendship...


A long-running hit in mini theaters in the 80s

``Bagdad Cafe'' was first released in Japan in March 1989. At the time, mini-theaters that screened cutting-edge, unique films were attracting attention in Tokyo, and this film was released at Cinemarise, a mini-theater located on Koen-dori, and had a long run of 17 weeks (approximately 4 months). It has become public. Neither the director nor the actors are particularly famous, and although the film is set in America, it is made with German and American capital. It probably didn't have any flashy elements to make it a hit, but its goodness gradually permeated through and it became one of the most popular works representing Shibuya in the 1980s.

2019 marks the 30th anniversary since its first release in Japan. While some movies are forgotten over time, ``Bagdad Cafe'' remains a firm favorite. At last year's Cannes Film Festival, it was screened in the ``Cannes Classics'' program along with such classics as ` `The Bicycle Thief '' (48), ``I'll Lend You the Apartment Key '' (60), and `` Vertigo '' (58). He is said to have impressed director Percy Adlon.

"Bagdad Cafe" (C) 1987 / Pelemele Film GmbH - Pro-ject Filmproduktion im Filmverlag der Autoren GmbH & Co. Produktions-Kommanditgesellschaft München - Bayrischer Rundfunk/BR - hr Hessischer Rundfunk.

There are other films directed by him that were released in Japan besides this one, and there are other films starring Marianne Sagebrecht in the lead role, but ``Bagdad Cafe'' is probably the most representative work of their lifetime. . Time passes slowly on screen, but once you watch it, you can't help but fall in love with the main characters. This is probably because it makes you feel like you are a resident of that cafe.

The cafe that is the setting is located between Los Angeles and Las Vegas in the United States, and it actually exists. However, the cafes that appear in the movie have the feel of a fairytale Neverland (a place in the middle of nowhere), and are depicted as a kind of utopia. That's probably why everyone wants to go to that cafe.


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  2. movie
  3. Bagdad Cafe
  4. "Bagdad Cafe" A story of the "heart" shown by a "coffee machine that needs repair"