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  3. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  4. “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” is really scary⁉︎ Spielberg’s movies
“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” is really scary⁉︎ Spielberg’s movies

TTM & (C) 1984-2016 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” is really scary⁉︎ Spielberg’s movies


A parade of bad taste scenes

In ` `Raiders of the Lost Ark' ' (81), there were descriptions that looked like a horror movie, such as a large number of snakes and a face melting under the Ark's curse. With "Legend," Spielberg cranks up the cruelty and bad taste even further.

Indy and his friends arrive at a palace in India and are served a meal. The menu consists of a live snake stuffed with beetles, the centerpiece is soup, and the dessert is brain sorbet made from a severed monkey's head. The fact that he plays these creepy meals completely as gags is probably why he is the king of bad taste.

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" TTM & (C) 1984-2016 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

Next up is the promise throughout the series of "a ton of creepy creatures." A large number of insects appear in this work. Huge cockroaches, centipedes, and other extremely tough-looking insects are collected and filled from floor to wall. What's more, Willie (played by Spielberg's current wife Kate Capshaw) is forced to walk through it wearing only a nightgown. A cockroach crawling up your body. A centipede that crawls into your hair. It's a famous scene full of bad taste that will give you goosebumps.

In addition, in the ceremony of offering to Kali by Mola Ram, a priest of the evil cult group Sagi, which worships Kali, the goddess of death, the victim's heart is grabbed alive with his bare hands and then imprisoned in volcanic lava. Dropped while still connected. This depiction showed the victims burning in flames in too much detail, so much so that the effects of the flames were increased to make it harder to see the victims.

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" trailer

In this work, life is as cheap as a closing sale. Especially in the second half, the body count (number of dead) from the quarry to the suspension bridge shouldn't be more than 10 or 20. Among all of this, what is most atrociously tasteless is the presence of Thuggee's henchmen who die as part of a small joke or production.

A strong man named Saggy comes to capture Indy and the others who are going on a rampage at the mine, and throws an iron knife at them. Kanazuchi landed on the guard's head! It fell down. The production is comical, but the point is that it's a joke about death.


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  3. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  4. “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” is really scary⁉︎ Spielberg’s movies