2. Director's Interview
  3. "Official Secret" Director Gavin Hood I tried to make it dramatic without deviating from The Truth[Director's Interview Vol.72]
"Official Secret" Director Gavin Hood I tried to make it dramatic without deviating from The Truth[Director's Interview Vol.72]

Photo by: Nick Wall © Official Secrets Holdings, LLC

"Official Secret" Director Gavin Hood I tried to make it dramatic without deviating from The Truth[Director's Interview Vol.72]


An indictment article that shook the British and American governments on the eve of the outbreak of war in Iraq in 2003. The article was leaked by British female intelligence officer Katharine Gunn. A political suspense story about the government vs. the whistleblower, based on a true story. The megaphone for this work ranges from Hollywood blockbusters such as `` Wolverine: X-MEN ZERO '' (2009) to social works such as `` Eye in the Sky: The World's Safest Battlefield '' (15). , directed by Gavin Hood, who has worked on a wide range of projects. We spoke to the director about how he approached this work, which is based on a true story.


Interview with an intelligence officer who was not trusted at first

Q: Please tell us how you came to be the director of this film.

Gavin: I received a script from a producer I worked with on Eye in the Sky (2015). I was fascinated by stories that were concrete, not abstract or theoretical, like the 2016 Chilcot Report by the commission led by John Chilcot.

When I read this story, I felt that it was a very big event that happened through a specific individual. I think this is a story that allows us to look at this era from a very personal perspective through the story of an ordinary person caught in a terrible situation. However, writing this story required thorough research, so I joined in writing the script and spent the next year researching a lot.

Q: I heard you interviewed the people who appear in the movie.

Gavin: First, I wanted to hear directly from Katharine Gunn, the main character. I flew to London and talked to her for 4-5 hours every day for 5 days. I interviewed him thoroughly, saying, ``Tell me from the beginning.''

In fact, she only leaked one email. Hollywood movies tend to distort things to make it more exciting, but I wanted them to tell the story as it really happened. But she was skeptical of me at first. It seemed like he was unsure whether he could trust him or not, and how much he should tell him. She emphasized that only one email was leaked. Touching other matters would be a violation of the Official Secrets Act. I was acutely aware that I was talking to an intelligence officer.

We also interviewed Martin Bright, the reporter who covered the Catherine leaks, other Observer journalists who were also key to unraveling the story, and lawyer Ben Emerson. .

I met Ben personally and spent a considerable amount of time exchanging emails. Ben speaks so fast and so intelligently that I feel quite intimidated when I meet him. And he has no tolerance for people who do stupid things.

Q: This film is based on an incident that actually happened. If you had to describe the theme of the film in one word, how would you describe it?

Gavin: The theme is "What would you do?" What should you do if you see a shocking email at work? The content is illegal and outrageous. This could happen in many industries. When will you speak up? You may lose your job and risk losing your freedom. I think there are many points that I can empathize with.


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  2. Director's Interview
  3. "Official Secret" Director Gavin Hood I tried to make it dramatic without deviating from The Truth[Director's Interview Vol.72]