2. movie
  3. Zero Dark Thirty
  4. The `` The Truth '' leading up to Bin Laden's murder as seen in Kathryn Bigelow's ` `Zero Dark Thirty ''
The `` The Truth '' leading up to Bin Laden's murder as seen in Kathryn Bigelow's ` `Zero Dark Thirty ''

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

The `` The Truth '' leading up to Bin Laden's murder as seen in Kathryn Bigelow's ` `Zero Dark Thirty ''


Did the young CIA analyst really exist?

It was a female analyst who cornered Bin Laden. Maya (Jessica Chastain), a young CIA analyst, is portrayed as a strong-willed woman with a cold-blooded aura, but in her essence she has integrity, intelligence, and kindness. She arrived in Pakistan and was highly praised for her abilities, so she was chosen to join the still ineffective search team for Bin Laden. However, even with her genius analytical skills, she was unable to grasp the tail of Bin Laden, let alone his closest aides, and the investigation became extremely difficult.

Meanwhile, terrorist attacks occurred frequently all over the world, and innocent blood was shed. Even colleagues with similar aspirations were victims of suicide bombings. Maya, who has lost a close friend, slowly drives Bin Laden into a corner with a maddening obsession that cannot be called anger or hatred. Through her tenacity, Maya discovers where Bin Laden is hiding...

"Zero Dark Thirty" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

The question everyone is wondering is, ``Is this young female analyst really a real person?'' Director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal reportedly conducted extensive interviews with people involved in the operation and confidential sources. It is said that this film was completed by accumulating a huge amount of research data. Some reports have suggested that they may have obtained top secret information about the operation from the Obama administration at the time of its release, but Bigelow and others have completely denied the allegations.

If the production team of ``Zero Dark Thirty'' did not obtain information from the government at the time, how did they manage to gather so much information from whom? The reason for this may be that screenwriter Mark Boal is also a journalist. At the young age of 23, he wrote a column for the Village Voice, and his articles on politics, technology, crime, etc. have been published in famous magazines such as Rolling Stone, Playboy, and Mother Jones. . Considering his career, information from his own sources seems to be fairly reliable.

We, the general public, are well aware of the scene in which U.S. Navy SEALs raid Bin Laden's hiding place from news reports, but the most surprising reveal in this movie is the scene where Bin Laden's whereabouts are narrowed down. This is probably due to the fact that she is a female CIA analyst. In an interview with Publicity, the director asserted that ``The female bureau officer who was the model for the main character Maya actually exists,'' but CIA officials have avoided making any public statements regarding the bureau officer who was the model.

“Zero Dark Thirty” preview

There may be some doubt as to whether everything in this movie is really "The Truth". The outcome of this incident is clear, but there is no way to know the "The Truth" that led up to it. I wonder if the meaning of Maya's tears at the end is her disappointment in the world. Even if the great evil were destroyed, the world would not change so easily. The war will continue even after this, and the "The Truth" will continue to be hidden.


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  2. movie
  3. Zero Dark Thirty
  4. The `` The Truth '' leading up to Bin Laden's murder as seen in Kathryn Bigelow's ` `Zero Dark Thirty ''