2. movie
  3. Snakes on a Plane
  4. “Snakes on a Plane” is in bad taste!? No, it’s funny! The charm of the poisonous snake panic movie
“Snakes on a Plane” is in bad taste!? No, it’s funny! The charm of the poisonous snake panic movie

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“Snakes on a Plane” is in bad taste!? No, it’s funny! The charm of the poisonous snake panic movie


The movie itself is so cool!

The biggest villains of this work are, of course, the poisonous snakes. Approximately 450 real snakes were prepared by snake trainers for the photo shoot. Most of the snakes crawling on the floor of the plane were photographed using real snakes. Of course, we couldn't put the actors at risk, so these real snakes aren't poisonous. However, there was a risk of being bitten. However, some actors were so afraid of working with real snakes that they skipped the audition altogether.

There are 600 snakes that appear in the movie setting. What made up for this missing part was a realistic CG snake. This digital co-star plays an important role in many of Jackson's scenes as he battles one ferocious snake after another. Inevitably, Jackson was forced to perform alone during filming, but as he has an extensive stage career and has experience working with digital actors in Star Wars Episodes 1-3, he handled it with ease. It is said that

The year after ``Snakes on a Plane'' was released, Tarantino released `` Grindhouse '' (2007), which paid homage to the B-movie theaters of the 1960s and 1970s. Although it didn't reach the US and international box office success of Snakes on a Plane, it gave B-movies a new name: "grindhouse," and Tarantino's name value drew young fans under its spell.

"Grindhouse" preview

Looking back, ``Snakes on a Plane'' can be said to be a work that took the lead in creating a new wave of B-movies in the 21st century.

In any case, there is no doubt that this is a good movie, even if it is absurd. Now in 2020, when I look back at Jackson's heroic image, I feel like, ``I'm going to throw every single one of the damn pandemics out of this damn earth!'' There's no basis for it, but there's momentum there. become.

If you say it's an unrealistic, tasteless dream story, you'd be right, but that's what B-movies are all about. There is something about the thorough expansion of a dream that increases the vitality of the viewer. If you were thrilled by the strange setting of "a venomous snake rampaging on an airplane," you'll understand what I mean.

Text: Manabu Soma

After working as an information magazine editor, became a freelance writer. He writes articles and reviews for magazines such as ``SCREEN,'' ``DVD & Video Distribution,'' and ``Cinema Square,'' as well as theater pamphlets and the movie site ``Cinema Today.'' Currently appearing on Star Channel "GO! Theater". I host club events as a hobby.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. Snakes on a Plane
  4. “Snakes on a Plane” is in bad taste!? No, it’s funny! The charm of the poisonous snake panic movie