2. movie
  3. Watchmen
  4. The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.
The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.

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The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.


A thought experiment that throws a hero into the real world

Alan Moore, the original author of Watchmen, said:

``The gist of this project is to depict the world in which heroes live, how they live there, and the consequences they bring about.The world is changing its shape, and the atmosphere of society and how people react to things. The response will probably be different.”

In the world of "Watchmen," heroes have been independently cracking down on criminals since the 1930s, but their vigilante activities were regulated by law in the 1970s. Heroes choose a variety of lifestyles, including those who retire, those who become secret agents for the CIA, and those who use their superpowers to fight in wars. Their activities influenced history, and the world is different from the one we live in today.

Watchmen WATCHMEN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and (C) DC Comics. Watchmen (C) 2009 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation and Legendary Pictures. (C) 2019 Paramount Pictures.


The story takes place in 1985, when Nixon is in his third term as president, and America wins the Vietnam War with the participation of heroes. Vietnam is the 51st state of the United States.

Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union are rising, and the world is on the brink of nuclear war. The heroes act on their own agendas regarding this situation, and eventually a terrible incident occurs in New York...

In this story, the reader is forced to realize whether they like it or not, is there justice in the hero's "vigilante activities"? How should social order be maintained? This is a question from author Moore. The following words also appear in the story:

"Who will watch over the Watchmen?"

Heroes fight to protect citizens from crime, but who will make sure they don't abuse their powers? That's what it means. Moore also said:

"To discuss these characters, we must discuss the society that shaped them. We need to consider from all possible angles the kind of society that created them. It leads to discussing the society we live in.”

``Watchmen'' was intended to depict society, especially America itself, through the presence of superheroes. Why can we depict America through heroes? I think this is because superheroes have internalized the United States Constitution.


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  2. movie
  3. Watchmen
  4. The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.