2. movie
  3. Watchmen
  4. The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.
The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.


The relationship between the American Constitution and superheroes

Article 8, Section 12 of the United States Constitution states:

"Power to raise and maintain an army; provided that no appropriation for this purpose shall be authorized for a period exceeding two years."

In other words, the United States Constitution does not recognize the existence of a standing army (army) in the first place (although in reality, of course, the United States does have a standing army). If you have a standing army, those in power will someday use it to oppress the people. The Founding Fathers forbade a standing army to protect America's national motto, ``liberty.''

When President Trump tried to dispatch the military to quell Black Lives Matter demonstrations across the United States, he was opposed by the Secretary of Defense and other military personnel. This is probably because he understands the spirit of

Watchmen WATCHMEN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and (C) DC Comics. Watchmen (C) 2009 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation and Legendary Pictures. (C) 2019 Paramount Pictures.

However, the Second Amendment to the Constitution recognizes the people's right to bear arms, the ``right to bear arms,'' and in an emergency, citizens take up arms and protect the country as a ``militia.'' Isn't it the expansion of this "militia" that is the superhero? Heroes do not belong to power, but protect the people as ``militia''; they are an extension of the U.S. Constitution and the embodiment of America's national policy.

What kind of history does the society in which they actually live follow? The essence of ``Watchmen'' was to portray this thought experiment realistically, and it was an act of depicting our society through its heroes. To achieve this, Moore created his work in a way that no one else had tried before.

"Using citation techniques that no one has ever tried before, we combine fragments of information with extraordinary precision to arrive at the desired final form. It's like trying to solve a difficult puzzle."

This difficult puzzle manifested itself in an unusual script.


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  2. movie
  3. Watchmen
  4. The labyrinthine charm of the original “Watchmen”. Zack Snyder was particular about reproducing it.