2. movie
  3. Somewhere
  4. “Somewhere” is a “momentary relief” created by director Sofia Coppola, a painter of loneliness.
“Somewhere” is a “momentary relief” created by director Sofia Coppola, a painter of loneliness.

(c)2010-Somewhere LLC

“Somewhere” is a “momentary relief” created by director Sofia Coppola, a painter of loneliness.


Sophia's commitment to using her father's lenses

``Somewhere'' is a film that looks at the process by which a father and daughter, each suffering from different ``solitude'', are healed through interaction. I mentioned earlier the gap between director Sofia Coppola's appearance (video) and content (emotion), and this film also takes an interesting approach.

First, Stephen Dorff and Elle Fanning were given time to spend time together before filming began so that they could play father and daughter roles smoothly. It seems that Dorf would sometimes pick Elle up after school. Additionally, Dorff actually began living in a hotel to prepare for the role. Furthermore, he actively incorporated improvisational plays and took pains to create an environment where The Natural dialogue could take place (that's why the script was about 40 pages short).

In terms of visuals, Sofia's father, Francis Ford Coppola, shot the movie using the same lens he actually used in `` Rumble Fish '' (1983). This was because she wanted to add a somewhat nostalgic, old-fashioned feel to the film.

``Somewhere''(c)2010-Somewhere LLC

What is interesting about the structure of the story is that Johnny's workplace, the filming set, is not shown. The main stage is the hotel where Johnny lives, and outside of that, the actors are always seen outside of the scene, such as ``answering interviews'' and ``going to get plaster for special makeup.'' The ambiguous boundary between daily life and work, or rather the moments when Johnny is hardly doing any "acting" (but he is not completely relaxed), are depicted, and the loneliness with nowhere to go seems to be quietly spreading. .

Particularly impressive is the scene where Johnny is left with plaster plastered on his face. I go out in front of people wearing a mask that is me but not me, but I am not treated as a person. This state is a wonderful scene that ironically reflects Johnny's situation, where he is consumed as content even though he has gained fame as a star. It encapsulates Sophia's unique ability to express loneliness.

By the way, this scene was also made with the great skill of Harris Savvides, a famous cameraman known for his collaborations with directors Gus Van Sant and David Fincher on films such as `` Elephant '' (2003) and `` Zodiac '' (2007). . In order to bring the anxiety and emptiness to life on screen, the director sits down and stares at Johnny, which seems to synchronize Johnny's breathing with the audience. Editor Sarah Flack, who regularly works on Sophia's works, added sounds such as a ringing phone to make it feel even more ``forgotten.'' From the perspective of staff work, this can be said to be an important scene.


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  2. movie
  3. Somewhere
  4. “Somewhere” is a “momentary relief” created by director Sofia Coppola, a painter of loneliness.