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  3. Reservoir Dogs
  4. "Reservoir Dogs" The existence of Harvey Keitel, who turned ordinary young men into men
"Reservoir Dogs" The existence of Harvey Keitel, who turned ordinary young men into men

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"Reservoir Dogs" The existence of Harvey Keitel, who turned ordinary young men into men


``The best moment of my life'' that ran through Tarantino's body

Afterwards, the entire cast had a dinner party at Harvey Keitel's house on Malibu Beach, which was rented at the time. Tarantino says that from his teens to his late 20s, nothing good happened. However, with the help of Keitel and others, he was finally able to reach his starting point. The sight of all the reliable people he had hand-selected gathered together in this place made him tremble in his chest.

At this point, he was already convinced of success, saying, ``This movie will definitely be amazing.'' Even if I made a mistake in organizing things, as long as I have all these skills, I can handle it. With them there is no way you can fail. I won't let you talk about your baseless confidence anymore. For him, who had been running ahead with nothing but talent and passion, the excellent cast, led by Keitel, was the ``foundation'' for his success. This must have been the first time in my life that I was surrounded by such powerful friends.

"Reservoir Dogs" © Photofest / Getty Images

Of course, the actors must have felt the same way. For them, this man, Tarantino, is their "foundation." I can trust him. He has a thorough knowledge of the psychology of actors and works with them to find the direction they should aim for. And the script is the funniest thing I've ever experienced. With all these conditions in place, there is no way it could fail---we know the history that followed. Their mutual confidence bore fruit. Each person who gathered here became a valuable witness to the birth of a legend.

Tarantino recalled that while driving that night, he savored ``the happiest moment of my life,'' filled with the scent of success. It's always a great feeling to see a man who had no backing climb up the steps of success one by one. There are so many rich episodes and friendships behind the scenes, and these naturally permeate into the main story, perhaps even influencing the depth and awesomeness of the work.

At the end of the movie, the characters are cornered into a situation with no way out. However, in reality, far from being cornered, this was a ``breakthrough'' that was opened to the world with great force, and it is now said to be the final movie that no movie fan knows about. Quentin Tarantino has built up a unique position as a representative of the film industry, along with the masterpieces he released after that. The rapid advance of him and his gang began with great momentum from this work.


Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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