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  3. Detroit
  4. What is the meaning of turning a historical fact into a film by thoroughly reproducing "Detroit"?
What is the meaning of turning a historical fact into a film by thoroughly reproducing "Detroit"?


What is the meaning of turning a historical fact into a film by thoroughly reproducing "Detroit"?


Detroit is a city that has experienced repeated conflicts between races.

The 1967 Detroit riots and the Algiers Motel incident depicted in the film are just samples chosen to reflect larger issues of hate and violence. In the same summer of 1967 alone, there were 159 racially motivated riots in the United States. The largest cities were Newark and Detroit. This period of confusion and turmoil has even been given the nickname "Long Hot Summer."


Historically, the city of Detroit has seen many riots due to clashes between whites and blacks. The oldest one was 1863, when Lincoln was still president. It was right in the middle of the Civil War, and Michigan, where Detroit is located, was a "free state" without slavery, but poor white immigrants feared that they would lose their jobs if black slaves in the South were freed. I was afraid.

Under such circumstances, a man of Spanish and Native American descent was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a white girl (later the girl withdrew the complaint), and because the newspaper reported that the perpetrator was a ``black,'' Citizens were furious. Led by gangs, black people's homes and businesses were attacked.

In 1943, during World War II, major riots occurred in Detroit. The chaos lasted for three days, resulting in an estimated 600 casualties and 1,800 arrests. The fact that the riots were put down by the National Guard, who were dispatched by presidential order, is similar to the 1967 riot depicted in "Detroit." The northern part of the United States, where Detroit is located, is supposed to have relatively less racial discrimination than the south, but the domestic situation during the war exacerbated racial tensions. Detroit is a large city that developed to almost monopolize the American automobile industry, but demand from the military increased even more during World War II, and a large number of 400,000 immigrants poured in from the southern United States.

As a result, tensions grew between Detroit three communities: the original white population, and the black and white people who had arrived from the South in search of work. During the riots, rumors that both whites and blacks had been attacked triggered rampant acts of violence against both sides. However, it is reported that 75% of the casualties were black.

In other words, the 1967 riots and the ``Algiers Motel Incident'' depicted in ``Detroit'' are due to the unique circumstances of Detroit, such as the large influx of southerners with a strong sense of discrimination, and the consciousness of the black people who were discriminated against, which led to the civil rights movement. It can be said that this was caused by the collision of two factors: the momentum of the times, which was undergoing change due to rising tides. The city was like a powder keg of racial conflict.



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  2. movie
  3. Detroit
  4. What is the meaning of turning a historical fact into a film by thoroughly reproducing "Detroit"?