2. movie
  3. The Game
  4. ``The Game'' Convinced criminals who ``won't give up.'' What lies beyond the pros and cons?
``The Game'' Convinced criminals who ``won't give up.'' What lies beyond the pros and cons?

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``The Game'' Convinced criminals who ``won't give up.'' What lies beyond the pros and cons?


*This article touches on the ending of the story, so we recommend watching the movie before reading it.

"The Game" synopsis

On his 48th birthday, businessman Nicholas receives an invitation from his younger brother Conrad to a ``The Game'' sponsored by CRS. Nicholas initially despises the game, but decides to participate in The Game after being drawn to the game's slogan, ``You can have an amazing experience that will completely change your life.'' Before long, strange events begin to occur around Nicholas, including the loss of the key to his briefcase, the discovery of a scandal, and the disappearance of the CRS office. The troubles gradually accelerate, and his life is finally in danger...


Between “plot twist” and “no plot twist”

The Game is perhaps David Fincher's most underrated film. I would like to refute the harshness of the criticism, but a big reason why many viewers were confused (and some were fascinated by it) was the ``plot twist,'' or rather, ``one more turn.'' I mentioned in another article that there is a structure that doesn't have any twists and turns.

This "shocking punchline" was not in the initial scenario, but was changed at Fincher's request. The original story was that the main character, Nicholas, would kill Christine, a woman who was part of CRS, which was playing a mysterious The Game, and then commit suicide in despair. It's a bad ending that seems like a dark thriller, but Fincher dismissed it as nonsense. The result was a completed version that pretended to be dark but was actually a happy attraction movie.

"The Game" preview

However, I think the main reason for the mixed reviews was that many people misunderstood it as a ``serious thriller'' because it had too much tension as a thriller to be considered a happy movie. There is. Since Fincher himself was intentionally misleading, it can't be said that he is responsible, and it can't be helped that he is criticized for being unbalanced.

However, the goal of the movie ``The Game'' was not to provide well-balanced entertainment that would satisfy everyone, but to confuse the orthodox storytelling and leave the audience's feelings in limbo between ``plot twists'' and ``no plot twists''. It was an extremely unstable and tricky stimulus.


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  2. movie
  3. The Game
  4. ``The Game'' Convinced criminals who ``won't give up.'' What lies beyond the pros and cons?