2. movie
  3. An American Werewolf in London
  4. “An American Werewolf in London” A realistic and sad wolfman created by John Landis and Rick Baker
“An American Werewolf in London” A realistic and sad wolfman created by John Landis and Rick Baker

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“An American Werewolf in London” A realistic and sad wolfman created by John Landis and Rick Baker


“An American Werewolf in London” synopsis

American backpackers David and Jack set off to Europe for a three-month vacation to enjoy free travel. When they stop at a pub in their first English suburb, they receive a strange warning from the locals. ``Stay straight on the road,'' ``The wasteland is dangerous,'' ``Watch out for the moon,'' and so on. Unsatisfied, the two left the pub and began walking into the darkness of the night. Before you know it, you have wandered into a "wasteland" and a "full moon" is in the night sky. Then, an eerie howl is heard, and the "beast" begins to follow the two...

Michael Jackson's ``Thriller'' is the best-selling album of all time. When the music video for the song ``Thriller'', which is also the album's title, was released, it caused a sensation around the world with its innovative content.

In addition to the fact that Michael Jackson was in great physical and mental health and the wonderful song arrangement produced by the master Quincy Jones, the fact that it was a long short movie of 13 and a half minutes, and its quality was top-notch. It was like something out of a Hollywood movie.

Michael Jackson "Thriller" MV

The song ``An American Werewolf in London'' (1981) is the basis for this ``Thriller'' music video.


How “An American Werewolf in London” was made

John Landis, who was working as a production assistant on `` Strategic Operation '' (1970), witnessed a strange scene while traveling through the former Yugoslavia, where it was filmed.

The burial was carried out by Roma gypsies, but the grave was long and the corpse was buried in an upright position. If you ask them, they will tell you that they do this ``so that when they come back from the afterlife, they won't be able to crawl out.'' Touching on the Romani way of thinking about death and resurrection, Landis imagines confronting a person who has crawled out of a grave, and an idea comes to him.

Of course, this is the famous scene in ``An American Werewolf in London'' where Jack, who was killed by a werewolf, appears in front of David in his original form and asks for toast. Landis wrote a script based on this image, but he put it on hold and created ``Schlock'' (1973), in which a sweet-toothed monkey man performs a skit on the streets. Then, he made a hit skit film ` `Kentucky Fried Movie '' (1977) written by the comedy group ZAZ, and went on to film John Belushi's `` Animal House '' (1978) and the legendary `` The Blues Brothers '' (1980). Complete them in quick succession.

“An American Werewolf in London” preview

With these achievements as collateral, he finally begins to promote ``An American Werewolf in London.'' Still, many investors were hesitant to consider the script too scary for a comedy and too funny for a horror film. However, Peter Guber and John Peters were finally given the go-ahead and decided to produce it. This is the result of ten years of dedication that took more than 10 years to complete the script.

The main characters are played by young actors, and there are no so-called "star" actors, but the one who can be called the most "star" among them is probably the "werewolf" effect.


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  2. movie
  3. An American Werewolf in London
  4. “An American Werewolf in London” A realistic and sad wolfman created by John Landis and Rick Baker