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  3. "Planet of the Apes" residents with three colors [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.13]
"Planet of the Apes" residents with three colors [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.13]

"Planet of the Apes" residents with three colors [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.13]



Peaceful citizens are chimpanzees

It's exactly 50 years since the release of the first Planet of the Apes in 1968. The reboot trilogy was completed just last year, but its worldview is so iconic and huge that it continues to influence pop culture even 50 years later. The CG ape played by Andy Serkis using motion capture in the reboot trilogy, whose facial expressions are sometimes more than human, is amazing, but the masked ape's face in the first series also leaves a strong impression. Even if you haven't seen a single movie, the face of this monkey will immediately come to mind, along with the image of a colossus buried in the sand.

By the way, I say monkeys, but there are three types of ``apes'' who rule the planet, and each has a different role and hierarchy in society. I would like to introduce the characteristics and characters of the monkeys, which continue to be attractive even after 50 years.

The chimpanzee, who is the central character of the apes, was only a helper for Taylor, played by Charlton Heston, in the first film, but he later became the face of the series. Cornelius and Geela, the couple who helped Taylor, become the main characters as the series progresses, and in the second half of the series when they travel to Earth in the past, Caesar, the couple's forgotten keepsake, becomes a hero who will revolutionize humanity on Earth. Become. The reboot trilogy, which retells the human revolution and the origins of Planet of the Apes, also stars a chimpanzee named Caesar.

Chimpanzees are standard in the ape society in the story, but their strength seems to be weaker than the other two species, which are strong and cunning. The clothes he wears are green, his skin light and his body hair black. Of the three, they are the cutest, and the facial expressions and behavior of Cornelius and Caesar, played by Roddy McDowall, are very interesting (they appeared in all four films except for the second film, ` `Planet of the Apes ''). did).


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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. "Planet of the Apes" residents with three colors [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.13]