2. movie
  3. The Lighthouse
  4. It's scary not knowing the ``heart'' of the creators of ``The Lighthouse.'' A powerful monster that preys on the audience
It's scary not knowing the ``heart'' of the creators of ``The Lighthouse.'' A powerful monster that preys on the audience

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It's scary not knowing the ``heart'' of the creators of ``The Lighthouse.'' A powerful monster that preys on the audience


"The Lighthouse" synopsis

In the 1890s, two lighthouse keepers arrive on a remote island in New England. They were given the task of managing the lighthouse and island for the next four weeks. However, the old veteran Thomas Wake and the inexperienced young man Ephraim Winslow are unable to get along and clash repeatedly from the first day. In a dangerous atmosphere, the two become stranded on the island due to a storm.


Thorough commitment to “era items”

Film director Robert Eggers. 38 years old, born in 1983. He is a creator with a strong admiration for classical music. He fell in love with Nosferatu (1922) in elementary school, adapted it into a stage play in high school, and turned it into his life's work after turning professional, even planning a remake.

His favorite director is Ingmar Bergman (born 1918), and his favorite Japanese films include `` Ugetsu Monogatari '' (1953). Andrei Tarkovsky (born 1932), Michael Haneke (born 1942), Werner Herzog (born 1942)...all the directors that came up when I interviewed him were great masters. Even after looking through other articles, the only "relatively young" director I could barely confirm was Christopher Nolan.

That said, Nolan cites the influence of directors such as Cecil B. DeMille (born 1881), Erich von Stroheim (born 1885), and D.W. Griffith (born 1875), and even more so than Eggers. Hardcore. Although their favorite genres are different, they seem to be similar in the sense that they both like good old-fashioned movies.

Other filmmakers that Eggers mentions include A24 poster children such as Ari Aster and Trey Edward Schultz. They are close friends and allies to Coach Eggers, so their personalities are a little different.

“The Lighthouse” preview

Since Eggers is such a director, all of the films he makes are "period items." From the early work ``Hansel & Gretel'' (2007) to `` The Witch '' (15), ``The Lighthouse'' (19), and the pending release ``The Northman'' (22), all the works include elements of the past. has continued to make. ``The Northman'', which depicts Vikings, is said to be his first major masterpiece, and I can't help but be in awe of how he has stepped up without changing his style at all.

What's more, rather than ``shooting period items in a modern style,'' the aspect ratio is thoroughly classic, with ``The Witch'' set in the 17th century at 1.66:1, and ``The Lighthouse'' set at the end of the 19th century at 1.19:1. Sticks to style. “The Lighthouse,” which has finally been released in Japan, is entirely in black and white. They shot as much film as they could, and the camera lenses they used were from the 1910s to the 1930s. The script, which he wrote with his brother Max, stated at the beginning, ``This film must be shot on 35mm black-and-white negative film, with an aspect ratio of 1.19:1, and with monophonic audio.''

Perhaps as a result of these efforts, this film was 1917 at the 92nd Academy Awards in 2020, along with `` The Irishman ,'' `` Joker ,'' and ``Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. '' It was nominated for the cinematography award.


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  2. movie
  3. The Lighthouse
  4. It's scary not knowing the ``heart'' of the creators of ``The Lighthouse.'' A powerful monster that preys on the audience