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  3. The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun
  4. "The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun" Visit the past and learn about the new. Reconstruction of Wes Anderson's artistry
"The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun" Visit the past and learn about the new. Reconstruction of Wes Anderson's artistry

(C) 2021 20th Century Studios. All rights reserved.

"The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun" Visit the past and learn about the new. Reconstruction of Wes Anderson's artistry


India, Japan, France...Love for local cultures

"The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun" is a story set in 20th century France. French Dispatch, a magazine published by the French branch of an American newspaper company, will be discontinued in accordance with the will of its deceased chief editor. The behind-the-scenes stories of the articles published in the final issue and the thoughts of the authors are depicted.

First, let's look at the elements that are similar to Wes Anderson's previous films. The major characteristics are the era and setting.

Darjeeling Express ”…Set in India. Era: modern

" Moonrise Kingdom "...Set: An American island. Era: 1960s

" The Grand Budapest Hotel "... Setting: A fictional country in Europe. Era: 1932, 1968, 1985

" Isle of Dogs "...Set in: Japan. Period: unknown (fictional)

“The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun”…Set in France. Era: 20th century

There are many period items. Although both `` The Royal Tenenbaums '' (2001) and ``The Darjeeling Express'' are contemporary plays, they have an antique worldview, so Director Wes's works consistently have a nostalgic atmosphere that ``depicts the past''. Floating.

“The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun” (C) 2021 20th Century Studios. All rights reserved.

I also get the impression that the theater has changed the region for each production. India, America (New England), Europe (Czech Republic and Switzerland), Japan, France, and the next film, Asteroid City, Spain. While placing each country at the center of the story, he combines his own artistic sense of aesthetics. At the same time, there is a strong tendency to incorporate elements of each country's "culture" - films and literature that have influenced Director Wes himself.

The proof is that even though it is a period piece, it does not necessarily mean that it is realistically oriented. For us Japanese people, ``Isle of Dogs'' is an easy-to-understand example, but what is depicted is ``the world as seen through director Wes' filter.'' What is given particular weight is the love for each country's culture. This stance, which is similar to the art term "Japonism," will lead to the construction of a poetic worldview.

For ``The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun,'' about 130 sets were built, the most in director Wes' history, and the cast was quite large, with just under 20 main members. The world view and character design are based on not only documentary photographs of the time, but also many movies such as `` The Wonderful Wanderer '' (32), `` The Red Balloon '' (56), `` The 400 Blows '' (59), and the band.・It is said to include a large amount of culture originating in France, such as Des Cine (French comics), and incidents such as the May Crisis (large-scale strike led by students) that occurred in 1968.


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  2. movie
  3. The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun
  4. "The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun" Visit the past and learn about the new. Reconstruction of Wes Anderson's artistry