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  3. The Insider
  4. “The Insider” A gritty social drama that captures the moment when journalism is in retreat.
“The Insider” A gritty social drama that captures the moment when journalism is in retreat.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

“The Insider” A gritty social drama that captures the moment when journalism is in retreat.


A time when TV and newspaper reports were shining

The above-mentioned Vulture article about "The Insider" was written in 2019, 20 years after the film was released in the United States, but it makes an interesting point. In an article entitled ``Twenty years later, ' The Insider' became Michael Mann's great prophecy,'' author Bilge Ebiri writes, ``The film, made in 1999, is a world where television and newspaper reports "It is a time capsule of a time when people had the power to change things."

When you think of newspaper articles that changed the world, the first thing that comes to mind is the Washington Post scandal from the 1970s. The story of two journalists writing accusations about the Watergate scandal, which led to President All the President's Men , who was involved in the scandal, being forced to resign, was made into a movie.・Hoffman and Robert Redford played the role to great acclaim. It is still considered a masterpiece of social film, and in recent years Steven Spielberg's `` The Post '' (17), also set in the Washington Post in the 1970s, depicts the Vietnam War. The hidden The Truth surrounding it was revealed. Once upon a time, The Journalist like the Washington Post and the New York Times seemed like stars.

When the New York Times, which also published the article in The Insider, arrived at the street counter, my heart raced. Although the scene is modest, it depicts a time when newspaper articles had the power to sway public opinion. The “Vulture” article goes on to point out that “Mann’s film is both relevant and prescient, as it captures a key moment in American journalism’s retreat. Because it has become so.”

"The Insider" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

Knowing the harmful effects of nicotine contained in cigarettes, Weingand makes up his mind to appear on ``60 Minutes,'' but due to various agendas from upper management at CBS, the original version cannot be aired. The decision was made as a result of prioritizing the station's circumstances and consideration for large corporations over The Truth. Wallace, the program anchor, is portrayed as someone who sides with CBS from the beginning, and conflicts with producer Bergman. Bergman feels responsible for not being able to protect the witnesses who believed him, and ultimately decides to quit the show.

In an article for Vulture, Mann said, ``What particularly interested me was the journey inside these two characters.'' Although Wigand and Bergman originally belonged to a large organization, they eventually turned their backs on the organization and struggled alone. That's probably why there was something in common between the two of them.

There are many depictions in the room, and there are few flashy movements, but because of this setting, the power of the director and actors stands out, and the shadowy camera of cinematographer Dante Spinotti ( Heat , LA Confidential ) stands out. The work is also impressive.

Director Todd Haynes' social masterpiece ` `Dark Waters'' (2019), which was released in Japan last year, is an adaptation of a true story about a lawyer who accused a major American corporation of environmental pollution. The subject matter was the dark side of the company DuPont. Haynes said he referenced `` All the President's Men '' and ``The Insider'' in making the film. As you can see from this respect, even 20 years after its production, Michael Mann's ``The Insider'' has not lost any of its power, and remains a solid drama that is worth responding to today.

Text: Sawako Omori

Movie journalist. His books include "Lost Cinema" (Kawade Shobo Shinsha) and other books, and his translations include "Woody" (by D. Evanier, Kinema Junposha). Contributes to magazines such as ``Music Magazine'' and ``Kinema Junpo.'' A research book based on the web series, ``Mini Theater Revisited,'' is also scheduled to be published.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. The Insider
  4. “The Insider” A gritty social drama that captures the moment when journalism is in retreat.