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  3. Marathon Man
  4. "Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors
"Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

"Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors


Olivier was sick

But there was a big problem: Laurence Olivier had cancer and was diagnosed with a terminal illness. It was too risky for the studio to sign an actor who couldn't get insurance. Paramount rejected him, and Robert Evans was heartbroken.

Normally, he would have given up, but he was not one to give up on his ideals so easily. He used his extensive network of contacts to arrange a meeting with the British House of Lords, and from there he put pressure on the London insurance market and successfully insured Olivier. As expected of a "legendary charisma," he had incredible drive.

"Marathon Man" (c) Photofest / Getty Images

Olivier, who knew he was near death and wanted to leave as much of his fortune as possible to his wife and children, received this offer at a great price. He took on this difficult role while taking large amounts of painkillers and undergoing cancer treatment. At times, he was only able to remember a few lines due to the effects of the drugs.

Despite this, this great actor put his heart and soul into his performance. His realistic acting was recognized and he was even nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Olivier also overcame his battle with cancer and continued his acting career until he passed away on July 11, 1989 at the age of 82. What a wonderful way to live.

The dream collaboration between Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier finally came true. However, the acting styles of the two actors were so different that they could be called "oil and water." During the filming of the torture scene, Olivier is said to have asked Dustin Hoffman, "Why don't you act?" For him, who grew up on classical Shakespeare plays, Hoffman's plays were too unknown.


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  2. movie
  3. Marathon Man
  4. "Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors