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  3. Marathon Man
  4. "Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors
"Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors

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"Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors


Classical acting vs. method acting

Dustin Hoffman is a true method actor who studied method acting at Lee Strasberg's Actors Studio. Method acting is an expanded and developed version of the ``Stanislavski System'' devised by Russian director Konstantin Stanislavski. Based on actual experience, this is an acting technique that aims to create a more natural performance by evoking memories of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Naturally, Hoffman thoroughly prepared for his role in ``Marathon Man.'' Since he is an amateur runner who admires Abebe, he runs 4 miles a day. In the scene where he is attacked by Zell's men in the bathtub at home, he insists on soaking in the bathtub as much as possible to make it look realistic. After many takes, she ended up having to breathe oxygen. And for the torture scene, he stayed up all night and showed up on set looking pissed off (he testified that he partied all night and night to forget about his divorce from his first wife).

"Marathon Man" (c) Photofest / Getty Images

According to popular rumors, Sir Laurence Olivier had a negative stance on method acting, and his relationship with Dustin Hoffman was never good. Director John Schlesinger also made this comment in an interview.

Interviewer: “There is a legend that Olivier collided with Hoffman. How much is The Truth and how much is legend?”

John Schlesinger: ``Olivier hated ad-libbing, but I think Hoffman was ad-libbing.Olivier said to me, not to Hoffman, ``Why doesn't he just do normal acting?'' “It’s true that I heard that.”*

On the other hand, there is also an anecdote that Olivier visited Hoffmann's home on the last day of filming and presented him with ``The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.'' He actually recited part of the scene and impressed Dustin Hoffman. To me, this episode seems less like a conflict between classical acting and method acting and more like an exchange of cheers between professionals working on the front lines of different theater fields.

Although ``Marathon Man'' is a tough and tight suspense film, it is a work that should be thoroughly enjoyed as it features a showdown between old and new actors.

*Cinephilia & Beyond





Text: Rui Takeshima

A pop culture writer who wants to be kicked by Hit Girl. Host of the web magazine "POP MASTER".

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  2. movie
  3. Marathon Man
  4. "Marathon Man" Classical acting vs. method acting, a sparkling showdown between old and new actors