2. movie
  3. All the Money in the World
  4. 22 scenes and 400 shots were reshot one month before the release of “The All the Money in the World”! What made this unprecedented change of actors possible in film history?
22 scenes and 400 shots were reshot one month before the release of “The All the Money in the World”! What made this unprecedented change of actors possible in film history?


22 scenes and 400 shots were reshot one month before the release of “The All the Money in the World”! What made this unprecedented change of actors possible in film history?


Scenes in 22 locations were reshot in 9 days! What made it possible?

However, in front of this latest version of ``The All the Money in the World,'' the fact that only 30% or 40% of the film was shot seems cute. This is because, in the case of this film, Spacey's sexual harassment scandal came to light after all filming had been completed and editing was almost complete.

Moreover, with less than a month until the movie's release, in order to change the cast and finish it, 22 scenes consisting of approximately 400 shots had to be reshot, and this cost approximately $10 million. It was deemed necessary. The production cost of this film was $30 million, and the 30% increase in budget overrun will have an impact on the box office. And above all, is it physically possible to reshoot in the short period mentioned above? The film confronts such big questions.

“The All the Money in the World” ©2017 ALL THE MONEY US, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

However, this film was successfully reshot in a short period of time, leading to its completion. Except for the scene in Rome, where Getty purchased a $1.5 million painting, all of the film was reshot at the original location, with co-stars Michelle Williams and Mark Wahlberg participating in reshoots as needed. (The disparity in pay between the two at this time also led to problems later on.) In addition, Plummer acted in front of a green screen during the opening scenes in the Saudi Arabian desert, which were shot in Jordan, with Spacey's parts digitally replaced. In addition, shooting techniques were used to show Spacey's presence without showing his face, such as replacing a close-up shot of Spacey with a pulled-back long shot.

As a factor that made this impossible possible, we cannot ignore the characteristics of director Ridley Scott. Ridley digitally completed the remaining scenes of Oliver Reed, who died during filming, in Gladiator (2000), which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. In addition, in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (10), which depicts the legendary hero in a realistic manner, he has already experienced actor changes, such as casting Sienna Miller as Marian, but replacing her with Cate Blanchett midway through. Therefore, I can feel that the director's experience and career made it possible for him to avoid trouble this time.

Christopher Plummer's excellent performance as Old Man Getty was probably one of the factors that led to the success of the reshoots. The actor's acting, in which every wrinkle on his face makes us feel the extreme greed that sometimes tilts the story toward comedy or tragedy, requires that he has the age and accumulation of life to match the role. It's something that can't be expressed. Compared to Spacey's look in the trailer, where he used special make-up to express his old age, the difference is striking.

“The All the Money in the World” ©2017 ALL THE MONEY US, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Above all, this work had to provide answers to the problems surrounding the industry. At the same time, the American film industry was increasingly being investigated for sexual abuse stemming from sexual harassment by movie producer Harvey Weinstein, and it became inevitable that Spacey would be punished.

However, the creators of this film made their moral stance clear by releasing the film into the world, even after reshooting it, rather than letting it disappear. The fact that this film was placed in a position to do this can be said to have provided the impetus or impetus to make the difficult reshoots possible.

This is unprecedented in the history of film, and the lead role was changed just before the film was completed. ``The All the Money in the World'' is well worth going to the theater just to see this point with your own eyes and ponder the thoughts behind it.


Laurence Raw “Ridley Scott Encyclopedia” Scarecrow Press (15 Oct. 2009)

The Inside Story of Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now”” by Hunton Downs, translated by Toru Okayama (Quickfox)

Back to the Future Complete Encyclopedia ” by Michael Clastrin (Space Shower Network)

Taikei Akira Kurosawa Volume 3 ” Akira Kurosawa/author Yasuki Hamano/editor (Kodansha)



Text: Kazuo Ozaki

Film critic and writer. His main writing sites include print media such as ``Figure King'', ``Champion RED'', ``Eiga Hiho'', and ``Hokkaido'', and web media such as ``Eiga.com'' and ``The Cinema''. In addition, he has contributed many explanations and essays to theater pamphlets, movie mook books, and DVD & Blu-ray software booklets. She also formed a cinema comedian unit [Movie Gachinko Brothers] under the name "Dolly Ozaki" and appears on TV and at talk events. Twitter:@dolly_ozaki

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"The All the Money in the World"


*Information at the time of article publication in June 2018.


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  2. movie
  3. All the Money in the World
  4. 22 scenes and 400 shots were reshot one month before the release of “The All the Money in the World”! What made this unprecedented change of actors possible in film history?