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  3. Race with the Devil
  4. "Race with the Devil" A combination of car action and occult demons born in the 70's
"Race with the Devil" A combination of car action and occult demons born in the 70's

© 1975 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Renewed 2003 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

"Race with the Devil" A combination of car action and occult demons born in the 70's


"Race with the Devil" synopsis

Two couples set out on the trip of their lives in a dream camper they designed themselves to enjoy a fun vacation. On the first day, we decided to spend the night on the riverbank, but suddenly we saw a flame bursting out on the other side of the river. Then, strange masked people chanted a spell, and suddenly the woman was stabbed in the chest! The couple can't believe their eyes and hurriedly starts the car, but they end up being chased by a bunch of crazy people...


A great precedent for hybrid cinema

The 1970s was a time when slasher movies were all the rage. `` Aesthetics of Fresh Blood '' (72), `` The Texas Chain Saw Massacre '' (74), `` A Bell Tolls in the Dark '' (74), and `` Halloween '' (78). Indiscriminate murder, blood splatter. Director Ty West's ` `X '' (2022) was a film that clearly featured the slasher movies of this era. The 1970s were also a time when car action movies flourished, with the debut of Bullitt (1968) starring Steve McQueen. " Duel " (71), " Vanishing in 60 " (74), " Trans Am 7000 " (77), " The Driver " (78). You could say it was a time when people were gaining rights.

Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (2007) can be described as a homage to slasher films and car action films. A fierce battle between a murderer and female stuntmen! Amazing car action! Hey ho! A love letter to good old B-movies from the most otaku director of today. Tarantino answered the interviewer's question, ``What's your favorite slasher movie?''

``This movie is a hybrid of a slasher movie and a car chase movie, so I'll list one for each.The benchmark for this kind of car chase movie is `` Vanishing Point '' (71).Of course, as a slasher movie, I love `` Halloween ,'' but as time goes on, `` Bloody Valentine '' (1981) may be my favorite.'' (*)

"Race with the Devil" © 1975 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Renewed 2003 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

Yes, `` Death Proof '' is a ``hybrid movie.'' It's a kind of hip-hop style, a kind of unprincipled method of mashing up different genres into one movie. And long before Tarantino, there were great hybrid movies like ``Chased by an Unidentified Murderer'' and ``An explosion of flashy car action''...well, I'm honestly not sure if it's great... There is an example. It's the legendary cult film directed by Jack Starrett, ``The Race with the Devil'' (1975).

Of course, Tarantino probably also referred to ``Devil 'Race with the Devil Death Proof, '' but it is generally a fairly unknown film. Even if you check Rotten Tomatoes, it has a Tomatometer (critics score) of 64% and an audience score of 55%, so it's not exactly a high rating. It cannot be denied that as a movie, it has a rather rough taste. However, for some reason, I am drawn to this work. I remember feeling a quiet excitement as I watched the delicious B-grade entertainment, thinking, ``This is a great movie!''

This cult work has been revived once again, 48 years after it was first released. What can I say without calling this a blessing?


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  2. movie
  3. Race with the Devil
  4. "Race with the Devil" A combination of car action and occult demons born in the 70's