2. movie
  3. Dead Poets Society
  4. Was there a real-life model for the teacher in “Dead Poets Society” who was more unique than the movie?
Was there a real-life model for the teacher in “Dead Poets Society” who was more unique than the movie?

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Was there a real-life model for the teacher in “Dead Poets Society” who was more unique than the movie?


“Dead Poets Society” Synopsis

In 1959, in the new school year at Welton Academy, a boarding school in Vermont, English teacher John Keating (Robin Williams), an alumnus of the school, arrives as a new teacher. Keating tries to teach the students, who are bound by strict rules, the beauty of life, telling them to ``tear up that Pritchard textbook.'' At first, the students are perplexed by Keating's unusual classes, but they gradually become inspired to take action and discover fresh ideas and a free way of life unconstrained by rules or parental expectations. Those who fall in love, those who awaken to acting... Just when it seemed like everyone was starting to go their separate ways, an incident occurred.

There are movies that remind everyone of their own student life. A school romance that brings back the days when you were passionate about your First Love, a sports drama that takes you back in time after school when you are passionate about club activities, and a story about the face and words of a teacher who had a decisive influence on your life. ``Dead Poets Society'' comes to mind. The impact of ``Dead Poets Society'' is so strong that the title immediately appears. Even though the 1989 film never topped the box office, it ended up grossing just under $100 million at the North American box office and over $200 million worldwide. The reason why they were able to make a profit was because many of the audience members were able to share their feelings for their mentor for a long time. And it wasn't just the audience who shared that feeling.


New teacher tore up textbook and asked to stand on desk

What kind of teacher was John Keating, the main character in " Dead Poets Society "? I would like to explain his personality based on his teaching methods. The story takes place in 1959 at Welton Academy, a boarding school in Vermont, USA. Keating, an alumnus of the school who teaches English literature, will be appointed as a new teacher on the campus as the new school year begins. Immediately after taking office, he taught classes that broke the standard and confused the students. When the students try to open a text by Pritchard (a fictional character), a doctor of English literature, which is being used as a textbook, he orders them to "tear that thing up!"

In another class, he suddenly stood up at his desk and said, ``I stand at this desk and remember that you always have to look at things from a different perspective.You know, the world doesn't look completely different from here.'' Huh!?” he exclaims. These words provoked the students to stand on their desks, but when they tried to get off immediately, he told them, ``Wait, don't just get off like a lemming. Take a good look around from there.'' multiply. At times, he ventures out of his small classroom and has the students march around the schoolyard or play soccer to encourage a change of pace.

“Dead Poets Society” © Photofest / Getty Images

It wasn't just the unique class that captured the hearts of the confused students. Through Keating's words, they are freed from the spell of school life where their individuality is suppressed, and eventually they begin to put those words into action. The word is "Carpe diem" in Latin. Translated into English, it means "Seize the day". This line, which was used as the Japanese title, is added in the movie as ``Make your lives extraordinary,'' and it is clearly established as the main theme of the movie.


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  2. movie
  3. Dead Poets Society
  4. Was there a real-life model for the teacher in “Dead Poets Society” who was more unique than the movie?