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  4. It even saved the life of the director of “Vice”! ? Christian Bale's thorough role creation
It even saved the life of the director of “Vice”! ? Christian Bale's thorough role creation

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It even saved the life of the director of “Vice”! ? Christian Bale's thorough role creation


How to absorb all kinds of information and shape Cheney's inner self

The special makeup was done. Bale gained nearly 20 kilos by eating pies all the time. He shaved his head so he wouldn't have to wear a headgear. He also dyed his eyebrows. But the most important thing was "how to create Chaney's inner self." Bale's role preparations became increasingly intense.

He watched all of Cheney's video footage and interviews, learning his catchphrases, speech patterns, and gestures. At the same time, he read his books and related books and articles to gather and absorb as much information as he could about Cheney's background, his way of thinking, and even his political methods.

Bale's preparation for the role was more extensive and thorough than ever before, in part because he's playing a real-life politician, but more so because of director Adam McKay's cinematography style.

McKay, who rose to prominence on "Saturday Night Live," originally started his career in improvisational comedy. That's why he is required to be flexible and respond when he is asked to improvise on set, and he is often asked to improvise things that are not in the script. In that case, you can't compete by just reading the script rigidly. It goes beyond "acting" and requires the determination to "live the role."

Vice(c) 2019 ANNAPURNA PICTURES, LLC. All rights reserved.

Moreover, the people he will be meeting this time are all eccentric actors, such as Amy Adams as his wife, Steve Carell as Rumsfeld, and Sam Rockwell as Bush. All of them are people with the type of dramatic acting spirit who "live their roles." If he lets his guard down even for a moment with this cast, he could be killed or eaten alive by his opponents. In order to create a satisfying chemical reaction in this banquet of eccentric actors, Bale had to be prepared for any situation and make sure he had plenty of flesh and blood.


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  4. It even saved the life of the director of “Vice”! ? Christian Bale's thorough role creation