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  4. ``Wildlife'' Paul Dano's directorial debut fills the heart with ``feelings.''
``Wildlife'' Paul Dano's directorial debut fills the heart with ``feelings.''

(C)2018 WILDLIFE 2016,LLC.

``Wildlife'' Paul Dano's directorial debut fills the heart with ``feelings.''


“Feelings” that seep out onto the screen

Paul Dano plays the role of a naive young man who insists on a "silent ritual" in "Little Miss Little Miss Sunshine ," a suspect in kidnapping a young girl in "Prisoners," and a shipwrecked man who develops friendships with a corpse in " Swiss Army Man. " Until now, he has only played roles that were not easy to follow. Perhaps as a result of that experience, in ``Wildlife,'' the facial expressions we are familiar with are depicted in a completely different tone. That's laughter.

When laughter is depicted in a play, the hearts of the characters showing that expression are almost never of the same color. When they learn of Jerry's dismissal and Janet's affair, both of them laugh. I grimaced as if swallowing my true feelings and squeezing them out. People only laugh when they are in despair. This work teaches us that sad The Truth.

“Wildlife” (C)2018 WILDLIFE 2016,LLC.

In the previous sections, we introduced ``contrast,'' but here we are also drawn to the ``underbelly,'' where the characters' expressions and words are disconnected from their hearts. As a father, mother, and son. A family that values ​​harmony and suppresses their raw emotions in order to play their respective roles, and as a result, is broken. Their ``feelings'' seep out onto the screen without being expressed in words or on their faces, and the only thing that fills the house is their longing for a happiness that will never return.

Will there ever be a time when they will show their honest faces? It comes at the end.

That you chose this person.

He was born from these two people and was raised by these two people.

Back then and now, we were family.

The only expression the three of them show.

I saw a love I will never forget.

Text: SYO

Born in 1987. After The Graduate from Tokyo Gakugei University, he worked at a film magazine editorial production site and a film information site before becoming a film writer. Works on a wide range of topics including interviews, reviews, columns, event appearances, and recommendation comments. Contributed to ``CINEMORE'', ``FRIDAY Digital'', ``Fan's Voice'', ``Eiga.com'', etc. Twitter「syocinema」

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Released nationwide from Friday, July 5, 2019 at YEBISU GARDEN CINEMA, Shinjuku Musashinokan, and others

Distribution: Kino Films

(C)2018 WILDLIFE 2016,LLC.

Official website: http://wildlife-movie.jp/

*Information as of July 2019 article publication.


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  2. movie
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  4. ``Wildlife'' Paul Dano's directorial debut fills the heart with ``feelings.''