2. movie
  3. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  4. “Baron” is not a huge failure! What is the artistry of director Terry Gilliam's work, which was achieved through hardships?
“Baron” is not a huge failure! What is the artistry of director Terry Gilliam's work, which was achieved through hardships?

(c)1989 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.ALL

“Baron” is not a huge failure! What is the artistry of director Terry Gilliam's work, which was achieved through hardships?


The surprising richness of imagination

If we look at the numbers alone, it is certainly a spectacular failure. When I first watched the video as a student, the words "the biggest failure of all time" were on the shelves of the store, and I was drawn to it, so at the time, all the artistic attempts of this movie seemed to me to be subject to ridicule. Looking back, I think this was a very disrespectful view of the movie.

However, now that I've completely freed myself from all those preconceptions and am watching the main story, I'm stunned by what an incredibly wonderful fantasy epic it is.

“The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” (c)1989 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.ALL

First of all, the film is filled with the fun of flipping through a pop-up book, and you won't get bored for even a second. In addition, the theme of this film, which was a little difficult to understand when I first watched it, resonates with me with a more powerful Arrival when you consider the flow of the 30 years of history from its completion to the present day. This is not just a crazy movie. It is a movie that never forgets the wonder of imagination and the preciousness of believing in something, even when the dark clouds of war and conflict hang over the world.

The fact that he made this for his daughter means that Munchausen's adventures are a projection of his father Gilliam's life as a storyteller, and it can also be interpreted as the precursor to "Don Quixote," the work he would later dedicate his life to.

In addition, Gilliam is someone who shows his true worth by "continuing to fight against something." Like David slinging a stone at the giant Goliath, he tries to fight head-on against common sense, customs, rules, studios with absolute power, and everything else.

“The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” (c)1989 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.ALL

It's impressive to see the characters take on so many obstacles and desperately reach out to find the best answer under the limited conditions they face, and it's also great to see how the film becomes stronger with each obstacle they overcome.

The same goes for "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen." It's hard to believe there were troubles behind the scenes, as the finished film is filled with overwhelming tension and a whirlpool of imagination that doesn't care about a lack of funds, and the power to create something from nothing is truly amazing and moving. If there are still people who consider it a "failure," I would like them to re-evaluate it from a neutral perspective. The older you get, the more you will be moved to tears by this fighting spirit.


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  2. movie
  3. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  4. “Baron” is not a huge failure! What is the artistry of director Terry Gilliam's work, which was achieved through hardships?