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  3. Summary of Christopher Nolan's works: A genius who combines outstanding authorship with megahits
Summary of Christopher Nolan's works: A genius who combines outstanding authorship with megahits

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Summary of Christopher Nolan's works: A genius who combines outstanding authorship with megahits


8. “The Dark Knight Rises” (12) 165 minutes

The final part of the "The Dark Knight Trilogy."Batman(Christian Bale), whose life as a hero is cut short when his spine is broken by his new enemy Bane (Tom Hardy), dramatically depicts his recovery with the help of Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) and others.

Nolan's works are known for their length, but this is a 2 hour 45 minute epic that is fitting for the final installment. The The Dark Knight was influenced by Michael Mann's Heat (1995), but this film was inspired by Charles Dickens' novel A Tale of Two Cities. Bane's schemes have led to a reign of terror, and Gotham City has collapsed. Will Batman be able to restore peace once again as the series' greatest crisis approaches?

This film is full of spectacular scenes, such as an airplane half-destroyed in mid-air, a football stadium collapsing, a bridge collapsing, and Batman's fighter plane "The Bat" flying through the sky. The film focuses more on "citizens" than ever before, and is characterized by its careful depiction of how "society" as a whole changes, including large-scale urban battles and brawls.

Up until now, there have been many night scenes, but in this film, there are more daytime scenes, which is also worth noting. It suggests that the "Dark The Dark Knight" will grow into the "Knight of Light" that Harvey was unable to become in the previous film. It is a brilliant production that also links to the original title "The Dark Knight Rises".

Batman, who has often acted alone up until now, now has a partner called Catwoman, and the two of them have a new interest as a "buddy story" with their interactions. There are also many delightful features for fans of the "Batman" series.

This film is full of famous quotes, such as "It's always darkest before the dawn," but the final lines that Batman says to Gordon (Gary Oldman) sum up the entire series and are truly moving.

Watch "The Dark Knight Rises" for free! "U-NEXT" is now free for 31 days

Watch "The Dark Knight Rises" for free! "Hulu" is now offering it for free for two weeks


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  3. Summary of Christopher Nolan's works: A genius who combines outstanding authorship with megahits