2. Director's Interview
  3. "Everything Everywhere All at Once" Director Daniels Aims for the ultimate fusion of action and gags [Director's Interview Vol.289]
"Everything Everywhere All at Once" Director Daniels Aims for the ultimate fusion of action and gags [Director's Interview Vol.289]

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"Everything Everywhere All at Once" Director Daniels Aims for the ultimate fusion of action and gags [Director's Interview Vol.289]


Thanks to A24 for being excited about the project and funding the production.

Q: A24 has been involved in “EbuEbu” since its production. The previous film, ``Swiss Army Man,'' was distributed by A24 in North America, so perhaps that was a factor.

Kwan: ​​Towards the end of 2016, we pitched the ``EvEv'' project to several companies, one of which was A24. They were really excited about the idea, but it seemed like it would be difficult to get the production budget we wanted. However, A24 managed to collect the budget during the period when we were developing the script. We are truly grateful and are confident that we will be the perfect partner.

Scheinert: A24 officially became involved in 2018. From there, casting and production began to take off.

Q: As a result, "Ebu Ebu" became A24's biggest hit ever.

Kwan: ​​Normally, this type of independent film does not have a contract where we, the director, receive a bonus even if it becomes a hit in theaters. However, this time, A24 included a hit bonus in the contract. I was very Lucky.

Scheinert: Ever since it was first released, it has been a hit all over the world for a long time. Thanks to this, A24 congratulates us in various ways about once a month (lol).

“Everything Everywhere All at Once” © 2022 A24 Distribution, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Q: The multiverse in "EbuEbu" seems to be large-scale, but how many verses are you assuming?

Shinert: There are 4-5 main verses, and then there are about 10 sub-verses.

Kwan: ​​And if you include verses that are only shown for a moment, the number might exceed 100 (lol). But every verse is important. The challenge we faced was an infinite world.

Scheinert: If I had to put it in numbers, it would be 1 billion (lol).

Q: So, out of those verses, which one was the most fun to draw, and which one was the most difficult to film?

Scheinert: It's a raccoon verse. The raccoon was an animatronic that was controlled by a remote control, so I had so much fun that I forgot I was filming (lol). The entire staff was excited about how to integrate the raccoon with the action of Michelle (Yoh) and Harry (Sham JR), so I'm seriously thinking that someday I'd like to create a spin-off based solely on this story. On the other hand, filming the rock berth was a disaster.

Kwan: ​​We shot in the desert, a three- to four-hour drive from the center of LA, and it was 45 degrees.

Scheinert: Moreover, all staff members had to wear masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and it's a memory I don't want to experience again.


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  2. Director's Interview
  3. "Everything Everywhere All at Once" Director Daniels Aims for the ultimate fusion of action and gags [Director's Interview Vol.289]