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  3. The Hidden
  4. “The Hidden” car! Rock 'n' roll! woman! A sci-fi action story about a delinquent and craftsmanship.
“The Hidden” car! Rock 'n' roll! woman! A sci-fi action story about a delinquent and craftsmanship.

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“The Hidden” car! Rock 'n' roll! woman! A sci-fi action story about a delinquent and craftsmanship.


"The Hidden" synopsis

Los Angeles. Los Angeles Police Department detective Tom Beck arrests the culprit in a robbery-murder case. A strange creature crawls out of the mouth of a robber held in a hospital and enters the mouth of a patient in the same room. The man, who was in critical condition, got up, stole a large amount of guns and a sports car, and fled. At that time, a man who calls himself Lloyd, an FBI agent, appears in front of Beck and tells him that he is following this series of cases...

The alien that appears in the movie `` The Arrival '', which is based on Ted Chiang's novel ``The Story of Your Life'', is innovative because ``all time runs in parallel'', which is completely different from Earthlings. I just had a different thought system.

Many of the aliens that appear in movies have a thought system similar to that of creatures living on Earth. For example, the aliens in the `` Predator '' (1987) series ``travel around to various planets to enjoy hunting,'' a type that actually exists on Earth, and the Alien in the `` Alien '' (1979) series ``want their race to prosper.'' It's an irrational, beast-like setting in which he attacks any living thing to get him to do something, but it can also be said that this is almost a human characteristic.

“The Hidden” trailer

However, I have no intention of condemning them. Movies are fiction after all. In that case, it's okay to decide the alien's thought system based on whether it's fun or not. If you think about it that way, there is probably nothing more wonderful than the alien thought system that appears in ``The Hidden'' (1987).

That is, ``I love crazy bitches, fuel-efficient sports cars, and hard rock.''


Miami Vice influence

An ordinary man known for his gentle nature and no criminal history suddenly begins to repeatedly commit robberies and murders. Beck, a Los Angeles police officer, corners the man and arrests him, but in the process he seriously injures him and ends up killing him. FBI agent Gallagher arrives just as they are not satisfied. Even after hearing the news of the perpetrator's death, he says the case is not over yet. Although I was skeptical, a similar incident actually occurred, and it was caused by a seriously ill person with whom I had no contact other than being in the same hospital room. Beck proceeds with the investigation while being swayed by Gallagher, who doesn't want to say much.

This is the synopsis of ``The Hidden.'' The pairing of an FBI agent and a local city police detective is a staple of so-called ``buddy stories'' in detective fiction. Considering the time when this film was released, it was probably heavily influenced by the TV series `` Miami Vice '' (1984-1989).

Detectives Sonny and Rico, who drive around in a Ferrari and wear stylish Italian suits, engage in a shootout with criminal organizations while the latest hit songs play in the background. Its flashy and cool style and realistic combat shooting gained popularity, and the series became a huge hit.

"Miami Vice" main video

In the case of ``Miami Vice,'' the two detectives' styles were designed to carry out undercover operations and infiltrate drug organizations. In other words, just like in combat shooting, it is necessary to pursue ``realism''.

On the other hand, in ``The Hidden,'' he incorporates Ferrari and hard rock music simply because he likes them, and gives the piece a dazzling charm.


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  2. movie
  3. The Hidden
  4. “The Hidden” car! Rock 'n' roll! woman! A sci-fi action story about a delinquent and craftsmanship.