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  3. Rumble Fish
  4. Is "Rumble Fish" an experimental film in the 1980s youth film boom a success or a failure? What is the director's thoughts behind the black and white film?
Is "Rumble Fish" an experimental film in the 1980s youth film boom a success or a failure? What is the director's thoughts behind the black and white film?

(C) 1993 Hot Weather Films. All Rights Reserved.

Is "Rumble Fish" an experimental film in the 1980s youth film boom a success or a failure? What is the director's thoughts behind the black and white film?


Stranger/ Outsider

Rusty James is a bad boy who spends all his time in fights. He has an older brother called Motorcycle Boy. He admires his older brother, who was revered as a legendary delinquent, and hopes to catch up with him someday. However, his brother suddenly disappeared, and one day he suddenly returned again. His appearance is different from before, something important is missing, and he is quiet and calm. My older brother, who doesn't say much and is elusive, always slips by.

The older brother says this to his younger brother while looking at the Rumble Fish (fighting fish, a species called Betta) living in the aquarium at the pet store. ``Fish swim in rivers. They don't have to kill each other in open spaces.'' Fighting fish are a species with a fierce temper, and one theory says they will continue to fight until one of them dies. Then, a police officer who has always disliked Motorcycle Boy takes action...

What is unique about this work is that the audience's perspective is set on the older brother, a motorcycle boy. Director Coppola reportedly gave Camus's ``The Stranger'' to Mickey Rourke, who plays the motorcycle boy, before filming. When we think of Camus and The Stranger, we usually think of the theme as ``absurdity''. What you cannot understand will remain incomprehensible. remain parallel.

"Rumble Fish" (C) 1993 Hot Weather Films. All Rights Reserved. *The main part of the movie is in black and white, but it is in color because it was a still photo taken at the time of filming.

However, the original title of Genjin is ``The Stranger'' in the United States and ``The Outsider'' in the United Kingdom (the reason for the difference between the two countries seems to be due to publishing circumstances at the time). According to Colin Wilson's famous book ``The Outsider'', an Outsider is a person who is too attached to The Truth of his own heart to fit into society, and what an Outsider wants is for The Truth of his heart to be reflected in the world. It is said that it is an opportunity to be expressed in the world. It's not like he's trying to betray society; everyone should have been on the same page at the beginning.

When we are young, we are given an environment in which we can say that society's rules are wrong if we think they are wrong. As they grow older, this balance becomes more difficult. His older brother, Motorcycle Boy, lives his life as his heart takes him and has become a misfit in society, but he also recognizes that he has grown and not stayed the same forever. She looks up to her younger brother, who admires her, with a gentle gaze, and encourages him to grow from a detached perspective. How does a motorcycle boy view the world? To put it in an extreme way, this is a movie in which the older brother is always watching over his younger brother from the perspective of God, and relives that experience.


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  2. movie
  3. Rumble Fish
  4. Is "Rumble Fish" an experimental film in the 1980s youth film boom a success or a failure? What is the director's thoughts behind the black and white film?