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  3. American Graffiti
  4. “American Graffiti” What are the hardships that befell young George Lucas?
“American Graffiti” What are the hardships that befell young George Lucas?

(C) 1973 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

“American Graffiti” What are the hardships that befell young George Lucas?


"American Graffiti" synopsis

Kurt (Richard Dreyfuss) and Stephen (Ron Howard), who have The Graduate from high school and are leaving for college in the city the next day, come to their usual hangout to enjoy the last night of their high school lives. His friends Terry (Charles Martin Smith) and runner John Milner (Paul Le Mat) have also gathered there. Kurt, who receives a scholarship and goes to college with the expectations of adults on his shoulders, worries about whether he should stay in town instead of going to college, while Steve wants to leave the countryside as soon as possible and go to the city to enjoy college life. Ta. They head out into the city with various thoughts in their hearts, but as the night progresses, their thoughts gradually change...

The film, which went through many hardships during its production, will now be passed down as a masterpiece that will go down in history. It's a common story in Hollywood. However, there are not many works that have followed a history as dramatic as ``American Graffiti'' (1973).


Lucas, disappointed in ``THX 1138,'' rewinds time to the past.

It all started when George Lucas was making his directorial debut, ` `THX 1138 '' (1971). Francis Ford Coppola was quick to spot Lucas's talent and suggested that he write a story that would be more popular with the public. Lucas happily accepted the proposal. THX 1138, which depicts a 25th century society where people live under computer control, was too realistic for the director, and he was constantly frustrated during production.

"American Graffiti" trailer

So, Lucas rewinds time in the opposite direction, looking back on his happy youth, and devises a group drama. That is ``American Graffiti,'' set in Modesto, California in 1962.


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  4. “American Graffiti” What are the hardships that befell young George Lucas?