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  3. The Road Warrior
  4. What is the influence of “The Road Warrior” on future generations and the “rules of success” deciphered from hero myths?
What is the influence of “The Road Warrior” on future generations and the “rules of success” deciphered from hero myths?

(c)2007 Warner Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

What is the influence of “The Road Warrior” on future generations and the “rules of success” deciphered from hero myths?


If we compare myths from around the world, can we find a “rule of thumb”?

Joseph Campbell, author of " The Hero with a Thousand Faces ," is an American mythologist who studies comparative mythology, a field of study that investigates myths, folk tales, and traditions rooted in various cultural spheres around the world and extracts universality or similarities that can be found in them.

Joseph analyzed a sample of myths scattered around the world and discovered that they all had the same structure. In other words, what Joseph presents is the "common feature" in stories, and he argues that many of the myths that have been passed down in the East and West have a series of common patterns.

Mythological heroic epics basically follow the same rules, and their stories, which can be said to be universal to humanity, continue to attract people's interest. This narrative theory is generally called "Hero's Journey" (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Hero's Journey").

Creators around the world have cited this "hero's journey" to help create stories, and have created many mythical stories by imitating it. So, what exactly is the common narrative in which the "hero's journey" is popularized? Simply put, the structure is that the main character transitions from everyday life to another extraordinary world, goes through some kind of trial, and then returns to everyday life again.

“The Road Warrior” (c)2007 Warner Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

This is the very story of ``The Road Warrior,'' and many other video works such as ` `Star Wars '' (1977) and `` The Lord of the Rings '' (2001) follow this flow. It now serves as the basis for many screenwriters' story creation.

Director George Miller is no exception, and like many creators, he co-wrote the plot of The Road Warrior, drawing on Joseph's idea of ​​the universality of the hero's journey. We all know that his subsequent works were hits, but why do his works receive positive reviews across the board when he quotes ``The Hero's Journey''? That's because the universal patterns of the hero's mythical adventures are often our own lives.

In other words, the story of "The Road Warrior" has the same power as a myth that resonates with many of humanity, and the universality of that myth is equally similar to many of our lives. Probably because there are.

While using the outdated setting of "the end of the century," by quoting Joseph's "Hero's Journey," a kind of chemical reaction worked, and a unique worldview was constructed. is.


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  2. movie
  3. The Road Warrior
  4. What is the influence of “The Road Warrior” on future generations and the “rules of success” deciphered from hero myths?