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  3. Looper
  4. "LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.
"LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.


"LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.


The power of special makeup to bring completely different things closer together

As those who have seen the main story will understand, this movie has a set gimmick. It would be unfair not to take this into account, so from now on I would like to keep spoilers as a general rule.

In short, in ``LOOPER'', Joseph Gordon-Levitt (JGL) and Bruce Willis play two characters, a ``younger'' version and an ``older'' version of the same person, Joe.

Naturally, the two actors are quite different both in appearance and content. It can be said that it is a completely different material. How on earth did Joseph and Bruce come together?

The person responsible for this "magic" was the genius artist Kazuhiro Tsuji (currently working under the name "Kaz Hiro"). Now a regular Academy Award winner for `` Winston Churchill '' (17) and `` Scandal '' (19), he once worked with JGL on `` G.I. Joe '' (2009), and talks about their relationship. Apparently, the idea of ​​this work came to him as a clue.


It's impossible to make them look exactly the same, and if you try to force them to resemble each other, it will feel strange. What Tsuji proposed was to focus on the characteristic differences between the two people and fill in the gaps. Specifically, the color of the eyes is adjusted using colored contact lenses, and then the nose, ears, and lips are physically shaped. By applying these special makeup to JGL, Tsuji gradually brought the impressions of the two people, who have different appearances, closer together.

However, it is important to note that ``resemblance'' should not be the main focus of a movie. From the moment you see the special makeup, you will be disappointed. In short, it is necessary to ``produce an effect without being noticed,'' and only in this way was the story of ``LOOPER'' able to achieve a smooth flow.


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  2. movie
  3. Looper
  4. "LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.