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  3. Looper
  4. "LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.
"LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.


"LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.


Katsuhiro Otomo influenced the supernatural scene

The composition of the confrontation between the "current self" and the "future self" is enough to create a climax on its own. However, Coach Johnson generously stirs up yet another commotion here. Just when the main story was about to reach its second half, a new ``mother and child'' was introduced, completely changing the mood of the movie.

The second trick is exactly in this part, when a boy named "Sid" unleashes a tremendous power, we have no choice but to ignore all the details of time travel and suspense, and just sit there dumbfounded and absorb the impact. do not have.


As I mentioned at the beginning, this scene was influenced by Katsuhiro Otomo's work. In the DVD audio commentary, Johnson said, ``In expressing Sid's supernatural powers, I referred to a work called `` Domu '' by Katsuhiro Otomo, known for `` Akira '' (1988). "It's a very beautifully drawn work, and the main character is a child with powerful telekinesis."

In the first place, the short story I shot in high school was about a ninja who escapes from a crisis by making everything with origami, and the JGL of ``Brick'' was played by Spike Spiegel, the main character of the animated series `` Cowboy Bebop '' (1998-99). Director Johnson often mixes Japanese taste into his own films. The supernatural power scenes in this work can also be said to be a manifestation of these characteristics.


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  2. movie
  3. Looper
  4. "LOOPER" Time slip, special makeup, supernatural powers... Rian Johnson's skill in cleverly weaving complex elements *Note! Contains spoilers.