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  3. The Cell
  4. Is ``The Cell'' as beautiful as a sewing machine and a bat umbrella accidentally meeting on an autopsy table?
Is ``The Cell'' as beautiful as a sewing machine and a bat umbrella accidentally meeting on an autopsy table?

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Is ``The Cell'' as beautiful as a sewing machine and a bat umbrella accidentally meeting on an autopsy table?


The charm of art and the charm of “The Cell”

Some people may think that the artworks quoted and imitated in "The Cell" are difficult to understand. However, "The Cell" itself is a work that is strong enough to be enjoyed even if you are not familiar with the artworks. In other words, the background and meaning of each artwork quoted is not verbalized (contextualized), but is understood in the mind.

The way to enjoy a work of art is not to verbalize your impressions. More broadly speaking, verbalizing almost everything is not the "ultimate goal" of understanding it. Furthermore, language itself has its limitations. For example, there are sounds that cannot be reproduced by letters or voices.

On the other hand, the mind is infinite. Even sounds that cannot be reproduced can be recalled in the mind. Similarly, there are also "impressions" in the world that cannot be put into words.

Among the artworks quoted in "The Cell," there are many that leave an indescribable, yet undeniable impression that can only be made in one's mind. The greatest appeal of "The Cell" is that by incorporating these works into a story about "walking through the mind of a murderer," it makes the story easy to digest.

Text: Samurai Isao

Designer by profession, film writer by profession. He is working hard to promote Indian films in Japan.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. The Cell
  4. Is ``The Cell'' as beautiful as a sewing machine and a bat umbrella accidentally meeting on an autopsy table?