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  3. The Post
  4. "Pentagon Papers/Top Secret Documents" The legend of Spielberg's early shooting that makes "the movie you should watch now" possible
"Pentagon Papers/Top Secret Documents" The legend of Spielberg's early shooting that makes "the movie you should watch now" possible

(c)Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC.

"Pentagon Papers/Top Secret Documents" The legend of Spielberg's early shooting that makes "the movie you should watch now" possible


Reflection on “Jaws” and response to rapid shooting created by admiration for our predecessors

It has been pointed out that Spielberg's remorse from his breakthrough film, `` Jaws '' (1975), was the reason for his spontaneous decision to take rapid-fire shots. The film took a long 155 days to film due to conflicts with producers and problems with the animatronic shark being driven on location. Since then, he has used this as a teacher, and has thoroughly taken quick shots as if it were an essential condition he had set for himself. The fact that he learned from the bitterness early on in his career has led to his current efforts.

In addition, in an interview, Spielberg himself responded as follows regarding his response to early shooting. “The reason why I work on two or three films a year is because of my admiration for my predecessors such as John Ford and Howard Hawks. He has made this happen.As a film director, I wanted to emulate this kind of approach at least once.''

“Pentagon Papers” (c)Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC.

Spielberg's tradition of fast-shooting lives on in ``Pentagon Papers''. Behind this, we can clearly see his outstanding talent that cannot be imitated by ordinary people, his honest approach to filmmaking, and his love for film itself.


The Making of Indiana Jones -Unknown Behind the Scenes of All the Movies- ” Written by Jonathan W. Rinzler/Lauren Botherow (Shogakukan Productions/Published)

Warren Buckland “Directed by Steven Spielberg: Poetics of the Contemporary Hollywood Blockbuster” Continuum

Lester D. Friedman,‎ Brent Notbohm “Steven Spielberg:Interviews”University Press of Mississippi

Text: Kazuo Ozaki

Film critic and writer. His main writing sites include print media such as ``Figure King'', ``Champion RED'', ``Eiga Hiho'', and ``Hokkaido'', and web media such as ``Eiga.com'' and ``The Cinema''. In addition, he has contributed many explanations and essays to theater pamphlets, movie mook books, and DVD & Blu-ray software booklets. She also formed a cinema comedian unit [Movie Gachinko Brothers] under the name "Dolly Ozaki" and appears on TV and at talk events.

Twitter: @dolly_ozaki

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(c)Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC.

Distribution: Toho Towa

*Information at the time of article publication in April 2018.


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  3. The Post
  4. "Pentagon Papers/Top Secret Documents" The legend of Spielberg's early shooting that makes "the movie you should watch now" possible