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  3. The Post
  4. The true meaning behind the production of ``The Post'' as claimed by the aspect ratio
The true meaning behind the production of ``The Post'' as claimed by the aspect ratio

(c)Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC.

The true meaning behind the production of ``The Post'' as claimed by the aspect ratio


Why Vista? A proof of eclecticism, not formalism

However, why was ``Pentagon Papers'', which is supposed to be the closest to ``Munich'' in terms of time and format, being released without regard for format? A traditional Spielberg could have followed the same widescreen style or adapted the style of 70s films to make this film. Incidentally, according to Janusz Kaminski, who was in charge of cinematography, the film was shot on 35mm film for the latter purpose.

However, this time, Spielberg himself recalled in an official interview with the overseas media that there was something even more important than that.

"I didn't make the Pentagon Papers because I was interested in linotype typesetting techniques, the art style of the time, or old newspaper printing. I didn't make it to recreate the past. .I decided to make it because what I tried to portray in ``Pentagon Papers'' is happening again in 2017.It shows how all the lies that are coming from the current administration are the lies of Richard Nixon and the Nixon administration. I couldn't ignore that it had something to do with corruption. I felt it was my social duty to make this film."

"The Post" (c)Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC.

As can be seen from this remark, the priority for this film is the ability to quickly realize contemporary themes, and the director's commitment to the format is not something that is given much importance. There was no other way. In the first place, seeing such an active attitude makes one wonder whether Spielberg was really a thoroughgoing formalist.

Regarding this question, I would like to conclude this essay by quoting an interview in the June 1981 issue of the American magazine "Rolling Stone." Although his remarks about the release date of ` `Raiders of the Lost Ark' ' in the United States may seem a little out of date, I think that his content has a core similar to ``Pentagon Papers.''

``I'm not interested in developing one style like Martin [Scorsese] or Brian [De Palma]. I've always been an eclectic. I'd rather do something that requires a spirit of challenge."


(*1) From the laser disc “Special Collection Encounters of the Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (Pioneer LDC) video bonus

(*2) From Douglas Bankston.May.2000.American Cinematographer Magazine.Hollywood:ASC.

(*3) From “Minority Report” production notes

Text: Kazuo Ozaki

Film critic and writer. His main writing sites include print media such as ``Figure King'', ``Champion RED'', ``Eiga Hiho'', and ``Hokkaido'', and web media such as ``Eiga.com'' and ``The Cinema''. In addition, he has contributed many explanations and essays to theater pamphlets, movie mook books, and DVD & Blu-ray software booklets. She also formed a cinema comedian unit [Movie Gachinko Brothers] under the name "Dolly Ozaki" and appears on TV and at talk events.

Twitter: @dolly_ozaki

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Nationwide roadshow on March 30th (Friday)

(c)Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC.

Distribution: Toho Towa

*Information at the time of article publication in April 2018.


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  4. The true meaning behind the production of ``The Post'' as claimed by the aspect ratio