2. movie
  3. An Impudent Girl
  4. "An Impudent Girl" Eternal Charlotte wearing "admiration"
"An Impudent Girl" Eternal Charlotte wearing "admiration"


"An Impudent Girl" Eternal Charlotte wearing "admiration"



“We started from the principle that girls act according to their own will.” (Claude Miller) *1

It is said that Annie Miller is largely responsible for the fact that the Lolita fantasies of male writers are not projected onto the girl in ` `An Impudent Girl Charlotte''. Annie Millaire, who co-wrote the screenplay, was asked by Claude Millaire to advise him in order to avoid masculine fantasies. Actor Sylvie Testu, known for her role in Chantal Akerman's films and Françoise Sagan in `` Sagan' ' (2008), said that she first fell in love with movies after watching Charlotte in `` An Impudent Girl''. talking. She said that she felt sympathy for the non-idealized, average girl that the film presents.

Charlotte's forehead was sweaty from the strong summer sun. Bangs that contain a little oil. A boring summer when I was 13 years old. Charlotte is guided by a beautiful piano melody and is fascinated by the image of Clara Bowman, a genius pianist of the same age, playing on the TV monitor. Charlotte, who was being made fun of by the boys and was feeling miserable, felt as if Clara was looking at her on the monitor. Charlotte takes this belief, which is like a precious fan mentality, as a ``Signs'' sent from Clara. Charlotte has low self-esteem. She was waiting for a "Signs" that would change her life.


The two meet by chance in the town where Charlotte lives. Clara, a genius pianist, is aware of her spectacular star status and talent. Charlotte is a picture-perfect contrast to Charlotte, who has a combination of low self-esteem and reckless confidence. I want to get closer to Clara, who lives in a glamorous world. Charlotte's curiosity about the world of adults and her fear of leaving the world of children ooze out without being organized in Charlotte's sweaty expression as she is driven by an impulse. Charlotte is acting of her own volition, perhaps for the first time. And the camera records the price paid for his reckless passion. Charlotte comes to know the coldness of a hopeless life.

Charlotte lives in a world of "admiration." It is interesting that Bernadette Lafon, a symbol of the freedom of the Nouvelle Vague, plays Léone, the housekeeper who gives Charlotte harsh opinions but is always close to her heart. She was the object of admiration in François Truffaut's masterpiece short story ` `Adoration '' (1957), and she is close to Charlotte's admiration. The three of them, including their little best friend Lulu who lives in the neighborhood, go out for a picnic in a grassy field with a Renoir-esque landscape. After an argument with Leonne, an exhausted Charlotte suddenly murmurs the words, ``I can't say anything I want to say,'' which touches my heart. Charlotte can't express her passion in words. Everything is not yet ready. That thought makes my heart tighten.


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  3. An Impudent Girl
  4. "An Impudent Girl" Eternal Charlotte wearing "admiration"