2. movie
  3. The Florida Project
  4. “The Florida Project” From iPhone to 35mm film camera, the visual power brought about by the ever-changing shooting method
“The Florida Project” From iPhone to 35mm film camera, the visual power brought about by the ever-changing shooting method

(C)2017 Florida Project 2016, LLC.

“The Florida Project” From iPhone to 35mm film camera, the visual power brought about by the ever-changing shooting method


“The Florida Project” synopsis

Six-year-old Moony and her mother, Haley, have lost their permanent home and are living hand-to-mouth in a cheap motel just outside Florida's Disney World, the world's biggest dreamland. Haley, a single mother and unemployed, suffers from the harsh realities of life, but from Moony's perspective, the world is always shining brightly, and she spends her days full of adventure and fun with her children living in a motel. However, due to a certain event, reality casts a shadow over Moony's dream-like days that she thought would last forever...


The overwhelming charm of colors and children that instantly captures your heart.

Powerful, cute, and above all, beautiful. Even with all these adjectives, it's still not enough. We often say that we are ``magical'' when we are moved by a movie, and perhaps there is no other film that fits this description better than ``The Florida Project.'' In fact, people around the world are becoming enchanted, and when they talk about this movie, their eyes sparkle as if the dream is still going on.

This film received rave reviews from audiences and critics after its screening at the Cannes Film Festival, and also showed its presence in numerous award races, including the Golden Globe and Academy Awards. Even if you think that the title sounds like a documentary or that you have no idea what kind of story it is, the first three minutes of the movie, when you see the children moving around freely in the narrow space of the screen, will make you fall in love with it. You will be engulfed by its overwhelming energy.

“The Florida Project” preview

The mysterious word "Florida Project" is said to be the name of the initial project when construction of the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida began. However, this film is certainly not a Disney World movie. The setting is a cheap motel outside. Originally built for Disney-style tourists, these motels are now deserted and the last resort for low-income families who can't afford regular apartments. This work is a story about a single mother and her young daughter who live there.

Poverty, low income, and housing conditions. Hidden homeless. Writing this way creates an atmosphere of urgency and misery, but the mysterious magic of this work lies in the fact that you don't feel it directly.

The exterior of the huge motel is painted an ethereal purple color (apparently it's an actual motel), and the surrounding area is surrounded by sunlit highways and asphalt. There is also bright greenery nearby. There are also plenty of eye-catching colors, such as the pink of plastic bags and hair color that blends with the clear blue sky. All of this creates a magical atmosphere that seems to float away from reality.

“The Florida Project” (C) 2017 Florida Project 2016, LLC.

The voices of the children living in the motel are filled with energy, imagination, and humor. The vitality of the little gang, who can't help but move their bodies before thinking with their heads, is the strongest. Before we know it, the urgency that covered reality has been sublimated to another dimension, and before we know it, we are completely wrapped up in the same feeling of being a ``child on summer vacation'' full of adventures that we ourselves once experienced.


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  2. movie
  3. The Florida Project
  4. “The Florida Project” From iPhone to 35mm film camera, the visual power brought about by the ever-changing shooting method